act 2, chapter 11- face reveal

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Wilbur sat down in the wet grass in a daze. The rain was still falling. At this rate, the only constants in his life would be his brothers and the perpetual rain. A constant pressure in his mind seems to have disappeared, opening his eyes to everything the world had to offer.

Which, looking at the sad, half built town, wasn't anything pretty.

"But..." he muttered. "Who... How?" He looked around to see Tommy clutching Phil's arm, looking shocked, and Phil himself, looking equally shocked. The man in the pig mask was standing just a ways away, seemingly appraising the town.

"A forest, a half finished town, and three people. That's all there is." the man deadpanned, a note of disbelief in his voice. He looked around at the three of them, then swiveled to Wilbur. "Where did you guys even live?"

"W-we have a little house outside of the t-town." Wilbur managed to stutter out.

"Wait!" Phil cried, voice still fragile and shaking, addressing the masked man. "Did... did you know something like this would happen?"

There was silence as the three of them waited for an answer, and the masked man took a very deep sigh.

"Not to this extent," he finally said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tommy screamed angrily, tears streaming down his face. He gestured to the town wildly. "How would you even know, and where did you even come from what even was the point of coming here if you know about all of this, and WHAT do you want with us..." The sentence came out in a big incoherent jumble, ending with Tommy bursting into wet sobs, clinging onto Phil as if he's the only thing that's real, which Wilbur wasn't very sure of either.

"Look," the masked man said haltingly. "It's a very long story-"

"That we deserve to know, because our lives are falling apart!" Wilbur shouted back into his face. "I was having a good day okay? We were all having a great day, when you fell on me from the bloody SKY, and held me hostage at swordpoint! If anything, we deserve to know WHY you've done this to us!" The man took a small step back, holding up his hands in a placating gesture.

"Alright, I did do that, and now I feel bad, and you guys do deserve to know what's going on," he said slowly, suddenly stabbing a zombie that's spawned next to him under the darkening sky. "But the story is actually pretty long, and this isn't the best place for storytime." the dead zombie stunned Wilbur back into his own mind a bit. He looked up and saw the slowly rising moon through the rain, and of course, the mobs that it brought.

We need to get out of here! And looking at Tommy and Phil, they've realized too.

"So we take you to our house, and you tell us what's going on?" Phil, ever the negotiator, asked in a shaky voice.

"How do we know we can trust you!" Tommy shouted, tears still streaming down his face. "How do we know you're just trying to get us to trust you, then kill us afterwards!" Hearing that, the masked man took out his enchanted diamond sword again. Wilbur flinched back, expecting something bad, but instead, the man just put it on the ground, and kicked it across the slick grass, where it slid to a stop at Tommy's feet. All three of them looked at the man in disbelief.

The man pulled off his crown and pig mask, revealing a very plain looking man with messy brown hair and tired eyes. He set the crown on his head, and looked at them all, dead serious.

"I, Technoblade, swear on my elbows it won't happen."


"You saw footprints heading south?" Lucas asked, sitting in the warm aura of a fire. The group was in a cave on the side of a hill, and Petra had just ran in, dripping wet.

"I swear I did!" Petra asserted. "And we need to go now, otherwise the rest of the prints will get washed away!"

"But Petra, it's night!" Lucas protested. "Zombies and skeletons, hello? We can't go chase them down right now."

"Plus, you said it yourself!" Harper reasoned. "The prints were going south! We can just head south in the morning!"

"But we need to get home as quick as possible! Plus, just because I saw the prints going south doesn't mean they'll continue south!" Petra yelled. "We can just go after him right now!"

"Listen to yourself!" Harper yelled back. "It's night, there's mobs, and it's storming out there! You seriously expect us to go out there?"

"Yes, Petra!" Ivor trilled. "Are you unable to just wait? I'd hate to be out in this weather, and when it's night."

"You guys, don't you get it? We're this close, and all you care about is staying out of the rain? I can't believe this! If you guys aren't going, I'll just go follow those tracks by myself!" With that, she stomped out of the little cave into the rain again. Silence fell over the remaining people in the warm cave.

"She sure is mad this time," Jesse said, worried. "Do you think we should follow her?"

"She can throw as many temper tantrums she wants!" Harper exclaimed angrily. "She's the one who can't see sense. I say we let her be and wait for her to come back with news."

"But I don't think I've ever seen her this mad before," Jesse debated. "You know what, I'm going after her. She might need the backup."

"Are you sure? It's raining hard out there. And there's mobs." Lucas said.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Jesse declared, picking himself up from the floor. "I've handled tough situations like this before."

"If you don't come back when the rain stops, we're also going to follow you." Lucas declared. The suggestion was greeted by nods from everyone. "If we don't meet up, should we rendezvous here in a day?"

"Yeah," Jesse agreed. "Sounds like a plan."


i just used the time allocated to write my assigned school essay on THIS! it still is super short, but at least you guys get a quick update! 

see, i'm so nice, that instead of posting next week because i've already filled my quota this week, I post twice this week and is required to post again next week. the things i do for you all

at long last, (not really there was like a 2 chapter wait) sleepybois are forming a friendship! hope it wasn't too sudden? if it is i try to justify it in the next chapters anyways lol. tell me if it's good enough for your standards :)

and as always, vote and comment to feed my ego bye

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