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-July 10th 1998-

   Me,Chandler,Phoebe,Monica,Ross and Gene are at Monica and Rachel's eating breakfast as Joey enters wearing a tux.


Chandler:Oh no,no,no,no,no,no vomit tux!. No,no vomit tux!.

Joey:Don't worry I had it dry-cleaned.

Monica;Vomit tux?.Who vomited on-y'know what,what you up to Joe?.

Joey:Well I'm doing this telethon thing on TV and my agent got me a job as co-host.

Steph:Oh that's great.

Joey:A little uh.good deed for PBS and a little TV exposure now that's the kind of math Joey likes to do.

Phoebe:Ugh PBS!.

Gene:What's wrong with PBS?.

Phoebe:Ugh what's right with them?.

Joey:Why don’t you like PBS Pheebs?.

Phoebe:Okay cause right after my mom killed herself I was just in this really bad place y'know personally.So I just thought that it'd make me feel better if I wrote to Sesame Street cause they were so nice when I was a little kid.No one ever wrote back.

Chandler:Well y'know a lot of those Muppets don't have thumbs.

Phoebe:All I got was a lousy key chain.And by that time I was living in a box.I didn't have keys.

Joey:I'm sorry Pheebs I just y'know I just wanted to do a good deed.Like,like you did with the babies.

Phoebe:This isn't a good deed you just wanted to get on TV.This is totally selfish.

Joey:Whoa!,Whoa!,Whoa!.What about you having those babies for your brother?.Talk about selfish.

Phoebe:What,what are you talking about?!.

Joey:Well yeah it was a really nice thing and all but it made you feel really good right?.


Joey:It made you feel good so that makes it selfish.Look there's no unselfish good deeds sorry.

Phoebe:Yes there are.There are totally good deeds that are selfless.

Joey:Well may I ask for one example?.

Phoebe:Yeah it's…Y'know there's-no you may not!.

   Joey and Phoebe are standing on both sides of Chandler as they argue and Chandler his disgusted with the argument.

Joey:That's because all people are selfish.

Phoebe:Are you calling me selfish?!.

Joey:Are you calling you people?.Yeah well sorry to burst that bubble Pheebs but selfless good deeds don't exist.Okay?.And you the deal on Santa Clause right?.

Phoebe:I'm gonna find a selfless good dead. I'm gonna beat you,you evil genius.

Ross's phone rings and he answers it.

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