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-December 10th 1998-

   Me,Chandler,Gene,Ross,Joey,Monica and Rachel are at Central Perk as Phoebe walks in ringing a bell.

Phoebe:Hey you guys guess what?.

Chandler:The British are coming?.

Phoebe:Oh you and your ways."Shakes bell at him,sits down".Since it’s Christmastime. I’m going to be one of those people collection donations.


Phoebe:"Excitedly".Yeah I already have my bell and later on I get my bucket.


Phoebe:Yeah,yeah I’m going to be out there spreading joy to the people.I mean last year I spread a little joy but not really enough. So this year I’m going to do the whole city.

Monica:You know I knew a girl in high school who did that.She was very popular.


Joey:So Pheebs where are you doing all your bell ringing?

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Joey:So Pheebs where are you doing all your bell ringing?.

Phoebe:Oh they gave me a great spot.Right by Macys.Yeah they hardly ever give such a good spot to a rookie but I’m the only one who can sing Merry Christmas in 25 languages."Smirks".I lied.

Rachel:Oh my god.Ok you guys there’s Danny.Watch.Just watch this.

Danny walks past the couch to the counter.

Rachel:See?!.Still pretending he’s not interested.Oh he’s coming over.Just pretend like we don’t know him.We’ve forgotten who he is.

Danny:Hey guys.

All:Hey Danny.

Monica:Danny?.You know Rachel?.She’s nice.She’s not bad to look at right?.

Rachel:Thanks Mon.

Danny:Well of course.

Monica:Do you want to go out on a date with her?.


Danny:"Looking at Monica".Absolutely!.Is Friday okay?.

Monica:Friday’s perfect...She can’t wait.

Danny:"To Monica".On the date I will be able to talk to her directly?."To Rachel".See ya Friday."Leaves".

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