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-January 1st 2000-

   Me,,Gene,Monica,Phoebe and Rachel are at Central Perk as Ross walks in with a magazine in his hand.

Ross:Hey you’re not going to believe this.I made up a joke and sent it in to Playboy. They printed it!.

Phoebe:I didn’t know Playboy prints jokes.

Ross:Yeah they print jokes,interviews,hard-hitting journalism. It’s not just about the pictures.

Monica:That didn’t work on mom it’s not going to work on us.

Ross:"Showing page".Here check it out.It’s the first one too.

   We all laugh except for Gene who looks angry.

Gene:That is funny.It was also funny when I made it up.


Gene:I made that joke up.

Ross:Uh oh,oh no you didn’t.I did.

Gene:Yes I did.I told it to Dan at work and he said it was the funniest joke he’d ever heard.

Ross:Hey tell Dan thanks.

   Rachel is looking at the magazine and laughing.


Rachel:I’m sorry I was just reading the joke below it.Man that one is funny.

Ross grabs the magazine away from her.

Gene:Monica you remember me telling you that joke right?.



Monica:Well you tell a lot of jokes.

Steph:Yeah almost as much as Chandler.We aren't gonna remember every single one.

Ross:Look Eugene it’s my joke.But hey if it makes you feel any better they don’t print the name so it doesn’t really matter who gets credit right?.

Gene:Yeag I guess.

Joey:"Enters".Hey guys.

Gene:"Jumping up from chair".Hey Joey Playboy printed my joke.

Ross:No it’s my joke it’s mine.You can call them they’ll tell you.

Gene:It’s my joke.

Ross:It’s my joke.

Joey:Whoa,whoa,whoa.Jokes?.You guys know they have naked chicks in there right?.

*Time Lapse*

  Me,Chandler,Monica,Gene,Rachel and Joey are at Central Perk as Ross enters and sees Gunther showing him the playboy magazine.

Ross:Oh hey Gunther check this out.

Gunther:"Laughs".Yeah that,that Chandler and Gene crack me up.

  Ross begins to say something and realizes what Gunther just said and turns to glare at Gene who shrugs it off.

Joey:Hey Ross listen you want anything to drink cause I’m heading up there.

Ross:Uh yeah I’ll take a coffee.Thanks man.

Joey:Sure."To Monica,Rachel,Steph".Coffee?.Cause I’m going up there.


Monica:No thank you.

Steph:No thanks Joey.

Joey:"To a table of strangers".You guys need anything cause I’m heading up there.

???:I’d love an ice water.

Joey:You got it.

Monica:Joey what are you doing?.

Joey:Just being friendly.

   Joey gives a look to Monica and walks behind the counter.

Rachel:Joey honey I don’t think you’re supposed to go back there.’s okay.Right Gunther?."Winks at him".

Gunther:Don’t wink at me.And put on your apron.

Joey:Okay but I don’t see you asking any other paying customers to put on aprons.

Monica:Joey do you work here?.


???:Hey waiter.


Monica:Joey what’s going on.

Steph:Why didn’t you tell us you work here?.

Joey:It’s kind of embarrassing y’know.I mean I was an actor and now I’m a waiter. It’s supposed to go in the other direction.

Chandler:So is your apron.You’re wearing it like a cape.

Joey:I mean the job’s easy and the money’s know?.I guess I’m going to be hanging out here anyway.I might as well get paid for it right?.I just feel kind of weird serving you guys.

Rachel:Come on Joey I did it and it was fine.

Ross:Yeah why would it be weird?.Hey Joey can I get some coffee?.

Joey:Okay I guess it doesn’t seem that weird.

Ross:Seriously I-I asked you before and you still haven’t gotten it.

Joey:See now it’s weird again.

Gene:I think it’s great that you work here.You’re going to make a lot of money and here’s your first tip.Don’t eat yellow snow.

   He laughs then picks up a pen and glares at Ross and writes in his journal.

Gene:Ah haha 2:15 coffeehouse.

Rachel:Well you know what?.This is great. Finally I have someone I can pass on my wisdom too.Let me tell you about a couple of things I learned while working at the coffeehouse.First of all the customer is always right.A smile goes a long way.And if anyone is ever rude to you?.Sneeze muffin.

Joey:Thanks Rach.Look you guys are just terrific.Y’know?Now how about clearing out of here so I can get some new customers.It’s all about turnover.

Ross:Joey seriously can I get my coffee?.

Joey:Oh I’m sorry Ross.I’ll get it for you right now.And since I made you wait I’ll toss in a free muffin.

   He looks at Rachel and winks and she gives him the thumbs-up sign.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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