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-February 15th 1999-

  Me and Gene are at our apartment and we are eating breakfast as I build courage to tell Gene my news.

Steph:Um Gene.

Gene:Yeah Steph?.

Steph:Um.Since London Me and Chandler have been seeing each other.I wanted to tell you first.


Steph:Gene.Me and Chandler are in love just like You and Monica are. Chandler would never intentionally hurt me.And don't get mad about us keeping a secret cause you and Monica did the same thing.

Gene:"Sighs".Fine.Congratulations Sis."Hugs her".But if he hurts you I'm hurting him.

Steph:I know.And if you hurt Monica I'm hurting you.

Gene:Wouldn't have it any other way.

   Me and my little brother laugh together happy...Later that day Me and Chandler tell everyone our news and Monica keeps her knowing a secret and while in a group hug I mouth a thank you to her.

-February 25th 1999-

   At Chandler and Joey's Me and Chandler are sitting on one of the chairs doing a crossword puzzle.




Joey:What are you guys doing up?.

Chandler:Oh we wanted to finish the crossword before we went to bed.Hey do you know a six letter word for red?.

Joey:"Thinks".Dark red.

Chandler;Yeah I think that's wrong but there's a Connect the Dots in here for you later...Hey how about maroon?.

Steph:If that doesn't work then I don't know what does Smarty."Kisses him".

Joey:Aw you guys are so cute.


Joey:All right I'll see you in the morning.


-February 26th 1999-

   Everyone but Ross and Joey are at Central Perk and Gunther hands us the bill and Chandler gives some money to pay it.

Rachel:"Looking at bill".Uh we still need a tip.

Phoebe:All right.Hold on."Starts digging in chair".I got it.Nickel!."Donates it".How much more do we need?.

Steph:A couple of bucks.

Phoebe:Okay dime!."Donates it".You guys should probably keep talking this could take a while."Finds something".Oh no wait. Look it.Whoa."Looks at it".Oh my God this is a police badge.


Gene:Oh that's so cool.

Chandler:Why would a cop come in here though?.They don't serve donuts.

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