Chapter 24: Mean Snape

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(Previously: I, (Y/N), came back to Hogwarts, and no one is spreading rumors about me and Snape anymore. I took a positive pregnancy test but told Snape that it was negative because I got scared.)

I'm excited to start school again, especially because the first lesson is Potions class. The classroom door is open, so I walk in with Chris and Glen. They go to sit next to each other, so I have to go sit next to Timotheé Hammer, a weird Italian boy who smells like old cheese.

So it seems I only have two friends now and have to sit next to the weird guy instead of Harry or Draco like i used to. Well played, me. Well played.

Snape walks in looking slightly more furious than normally. Even upset, I might say. What on Earth might've upset him so much I could see it through his usual coolness?

"Be quiet!" he yells at the noisy class, and everyone follows this order. "Open your notebooks and show me your homework."

I hear pages turning, when other students are opening the homework pages. Snape walks through the room and checks that everyone's done their work. He also stops in front of my desk, even though he knows I've been away for two weeks.

"Where's your homework?" he asks and I feel like the whole class is staring at us; I'm not sure if I'm just paranoid, though.

"I was away for two weeks, sir, I couldn't possibly have known what you did meanwhile since no one informed me", I reply.

"That is no excuse, young lady. You are responsible for your own school work. If you're contuining being a lazy slug, I wouldn't be surprised if you failed the class. In fact, please leave the class with Hammer, I'm sure he'll be glad to help you catch up with your notes."

"I- I would like to stay, we can catch up with the notes afterwards, if that's okay", I say, expecting him to agree to this sensible suggestion.

"Did I ask?"


"Then off you go."
He turns around and starts talking to the class but I can't hear him anymore. Why is he so mean again? I don't get it. How long is this hot and cold game going to continue? Because I cant take this much longer. It's tearing my heart apart inside.

As I walk out of the class with Timotheé, I can't help but ask myself why. Why is this happening? Is it because he wants to be extra careful no one will get a hint about us, or is it something else?

The heavy door behind us closes, and Timotheé smirks at me.

"He's some real jerk, isn't he?" he says.

"He's not all bad, he's just a little mean!" Even though he's being an asshole right now, I have the need to defend him.

"Like what? You fancy his greasy hair or something?"

Um, no offense, but says you. Timotheè looks like he hasn't washed his hair in years - Snape only looks like he hasn't washed his hair in weeks.

"I mean, he is a pretty good teacher. He doesn't make me feel uncomfortable, unlike Gilderoy Lockhart or... Umbridge, you know?"

"Well, maybe you're right", he replies. "But let's go to the library so you can copy my notes and I can eat some brie cheese."

We walk into the library and I start to think that maybe Snape was just treating me like any other student but I got upset because I was secretly expecting him to treat me differently. Well, if this is the case, at least I don't have to go crying after him again.

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