Chapter 10: Next morning

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When I wake up, I can't recognize the place at first but as I see Snape sleeping next to me everything comes back to my mind suddenly.

I'm smiling and looking at him sleep. His face is looking so serious even now when he's sleeping.

I see that it's only seven o'clock so I let him stay in bed for a while longer as I go get dressed. After ten minutes he wakes up.

"What shall we do now?" I ask and give him a kiss.

"About what?"

"Well, about everything", I reply.

"We can't let anyone know about us under any circumstances", he says firmly. "I assume you haven't told anyone?"

I'm hesitating for a second. I did tell Draco and Harry, but I'm sure I can trust them so maybe I could tell Snape a little lie and deny it.

"No, of course I haven't", I lie. He seems to trust me.

"Good. And now you should be getting back to your dormitory before anyone notices."

"Yep. See you later then." I give him a little kiss and go to my dorm.

I go to eat lunch with Chris, Glen, Draco and some other Slytherins. As soon as we sit down, Glen asks me:

"Where were you last night?"

"Umm..." I'm panicking. I haven't thought about an excuse. How can I be so stupid? "I was... I was umm... I was with Hagrid. Yeah, I was with Hagrid", I stutter.

"Hagrid?" Draco almost chokes on his apple. "I thought you were with Sn-"

I kick his foot under the table to make him shut his mouth before he reveals my biggest secret. He continues eating his apple in silence.

"Oh my God, Y/N! You and Hagrid..." Chris says. "Are you like...?"

"For heaven's sake, no! I was helping Hagrid with something but I promised him that I won't tell anyone", I reply. I can feel my cheeks burning. I'm not a very good liar.

"We're your friends. You can tell us", Glen says. She's been staring at me the whole time and I'm sure she knows I'm lying.

"I can't. He'd kill me", I say. I see Snape across the canteen and he's looking at me. I smile at him but he turns away without any expression in his face. Is he really doing this again...? I hope he won't deny last night. It was so amazing I just want to do it over and over again. And we're surely going to do that again, but the problem is that not everyone will believe my stupid excuses and someone might start suspecting something.

"... are you even listening?" Chris throws a spoon at me.

"Ouch!" I yell. "That hurt!"

"So you weren't listening to me", he says.

"No, I was, actually."

"And what did I just say?"

"Umm... Okay, I didn't listen to you", I admit and blush slightly.

"He was saying that we might just as well go and ask Hagrid himself what you two were doing last night", Glen informs me.

"Oh, I don't think you should do that", I say, laughing nervously. "You'll just embarrass yourselves."

"What are you saying?" Glen asks.

"Well, what I'm saying is that maybe it's not a good idea to talk to him about the very thing he told me not to tell anyone about. He'll probably be very pissed."

"No no no, it's gonna be just fine. I'll go." Glen stands up and walks to Hagrid, who is sitting in front of the canteen with other staff members. I don't know what to do. I'm panicking so much that my hands are literally shaking.

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