Irrational Fears

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Alec Lightwood, being a shadowhunter, wasn't really afraid of much. Sure he would get spooked by his warlock but nothing to drastic. The only thing he could never stand, was needles. He was terrified of needles to the point where he would break down and cry about them. One day Alec came home from a day of training and hunting. He came home with a sprained ankle and a dislocated shoulder. He walked in and the moment the warlock saw him, he was so upset. "Hi babe how was- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" 

"A hunt. It's just a dislocated shoulder and sprained ankle. It's not that big of a deal and it doesn't even hurt that bad."

Magnus glared at him.

"Okay yeah, it does kinda hurt. It's not that big of a deal."

"It is. Come on back to the study. I'll fix you up." Alec groaned and went into the study with is boyfriend. "Well sit on the desk. What hurts the most?"

"It's kinda the same."

Magnus sighed and started looking though his stuff. "We're gonna pop your shoulder back into place first. So uh, lets numb you up and get you numbed up." Magnus pulled out a needle and started putting numbing medicine into it. The second Alec saw his boyfriend take the needle out, he leaped off the desk and hid in the corner of the room and started crying. Mangus came over and bent down next to him. "Baby whats wrong?" he asked. "Get that thing away from me! You're not getting near me with that needle!" he shouted and looked up and saw the needle was still on the desk. "Alec are you afraid of needles?" he asked and pat his back. "Y-yeah..." he sniffled. "They hurt and long and I just don't like them.." he started crying again. Magnus pulled him into his arms. "Baby. There's no need to cry. It's okay. I'll make it as painless as possibly okay?" "But it feels like forever and it still hurts." he whined. Magnus kissed his temple."Come on. It's just one needle then you won't need anymore. Okay?" Alec sighed. "Okay. Will you carry me?" he asked. Magnus giggled and picked him up and being careful to not hurt him. He placed him on the desk and finished putting the medicine in the needle. He walked over and cleaned the skin off. "You can hold my hand if you want." Alec took his hand and held it tightly. Magnus poked him with the needle and injected the medicine. Alec started crying again. He squeezed his hand until Magnus pulled the needle out. "All done babe!" he kissed his cheek and started working on him.

Ten mintues later, Alec was sitting on the couch with a sling and his ankle wrapped up. Magnus came and sat next to him. "Since when have you been afraid of needles?" Alec looked at him. "As long as I can remember. I always have. If I had to get a shot, my mom would have to hold me for the doctors to actually be able to give me the shot.." he muttered. He moved over and wrapped his good arm around his boyfriend. "Thank you for putting up with me.." he said and buried his face in the other man's shoulder. "It's not putting up with you. It's helping the person I love and care about." He kissed the top of his head. "I won't poke and prod you with needles all the time. I promise." Alec looked up and giggled. He reached up and kissed him and laid back down and they cuddled.

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