New Technology

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Magnus happily walked inside his loft with a bag in his hand. Alec was sitting on the couch with the cat happily laying there and purring. Alec smiled up from the TV and up at Magnus "Hey babe. How are you?" he got up and reached to kiss him. Magnus smiled and kissed him back "Great! I have a surprise for you" He said and pulled something out of the bag and handed it to Alec. He looked at it with curiosity. "uh.. Magnus what is this?" he asked as he held the small package with an apple with a bite taken out of it. Magnus smiled "it's a phone. A nice phone" he said happily. Alec looked at him "A phone? Magnus I don't need a new phone. I have one" he said and watched him. Magnus chuckled "Babe you have a flip phone and its a piece of crap. This is a lot nicer and it will be easier to communicate with you" Alec smiled and hugged him "Oh babe thank you. I just have no idea how to work this thing and I'll need your help" he said. Magnus had a sly grin as he pulled another of the same box out of the bag "Don't worry I'll show you how to work it".

*                                                                      *                                                               *

Magnus and Alec sat down on the couch as Magnus helped them set up their new phones. Magnus helped them set up their iCloud accounts and such and Magnus handed the phone back to Alec "Now you can put your finger print in it so you have a lock in your phone. But you also need a passcode." he said "A passcode? Like numbers?" Alec asked and Magnus nodded "yes numbers. Pick six numbers for your passcode" Alec smiled and looked up at Magnus "Alright. What was the date that we met?" Magnus felt himself blush slightly and smiled "oh stop you're too sweet babe" he said happily and kissed his cheek. Alec smiled and set the date they met for his passcode. Magnus watched him and helped him set up the finger print thing as well. Magnus smiled and hugged him "we're almost done babe just a few more steps" he said happily and Magnus showed Alec were the contacts were "This is were you put all the contacts in. Like me and your family" Alec pulled his old phone out and copied all of the contacts in his phone. Magnus couldn't help but chuckle when he watched Alec type everything in his phone. Alec typed with one finger and held the phone with one hand. Magnus just watched with a chuckle. After everything was set up Magnus smiled "now all you seem to need to do is set up a wallpaper for you phone" Alec went into the wallpaper settings and smiled. He held the camera up to Magnus and he took his picture and he happily set that up for his lock screen. Alec let out a small giggle. Magnus smiled and took a quick picture of Alec to put for his wallpaper as  well. Alec laughed and kissed his cheek "Thank you for the phone darling. I promise now I can keep in touch with you better when I'm out" Magnus smiled and stroked his hair back "of course darling. I can finally get actual real responses instead of "i think ur kool"" he teased. Alec groaned "Okay Magnus I get it" he laughed and kissed him. Magnus spent the next hour or so helping Alec navigate the new technology of an iPhone.

Hey guys! New one shot for ya'll. I got this idea over the fact that shadowhunters in the books seem to have no idea how any mundane thing works- because I'm sure they all know how to use an iPhone. Plus if you watch the show you know Matt (Who plays Alec) seems to have no idea how to work a phone and I thought it would be funny. Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll try to update more since I have a crazy amount of free time. Thanks guys! I hope you like it and I'll see you all later :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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