Chairman Meows POV

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I like Glittery One. He feeds me and hold me and cuddles with me. He's nice. I like sitting on his lap.

Blue Eyed one isn't my favorite. He gets mad at me when I try to cuddle with him. And he takes glittery one away! But sometimes he feeds me, so I guess its all good.

One day I was curled up on Glittery One's lap and he was scratching behind my ears how I like it. He called me good kitty. Then his doorbell rings. Blue eyed one is there. He comes inside and Blue Eyed one takes my spot on his lap! So unfair! They would butt their faces close together and make these weird popping noises. I try to get Glittery One's attention



They stop and they look at me. "That cat is looking at me" Blue Eyed one says. "Ignore him, he harmless" Glittery One says. They go back to what they were doing. Glittery One picks Blue Eyed one up and they leave. They stay in the bathroom for a long time. Sometimes they play really loud and then cuddle. Its weird. They come out and go cuddle in the bedroom. I follow them and lay at Glittery One's feet. They let me stay. I guess I sometimes have to share Glittery One with Blue Eyed One.

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