Late Nights

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The sound of small feet walking inside the New York loft was the only sound that could be heard within. The rain outside grew heavy but was still light for the most part. Max Lightwood-Bane walked through the loft to his parents room. He had woken up due to the rain and couldn't fall back asleep. He quietly walked into the room and opened the door carefully so it wouldn't creak like it did if you opened it too fast. He looked up at the sleeping bodies of his parents. Magnus was holding Alec close even though they were just sleeping. They looked comfy and happy like that. Max carefully crawled on the bed and laid at the end of it by their feet and right next to the cat. Eventually he slowly made his way up between them. He curled up to them and shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. With the warmth and comfort of both his dads there, it wasn't too hard to try and fall back asleep. Magnus soon woke up when he realized that he wasn't holding Alec anymore and he was holding Max. He smiled down at the little warlock and he started to play with his hair and was careful of his horns. He couldn't help but smile. He was happy that the people he loved the most where in the same bed and sleeping quietly and happily. But eventually Alec woke up to Max laying with him. He rolled over and smiled down at him, then he saw Magnus awake and he grinned "hey you" he whispered and pecked his lips. Magnus smiled down at him and kissed back "See we got our little blueberry with us tonight" he smiled as Alec nodded and looked down at a sleeping Max. "I think it was the rain" he whispered back. Magnus lifted his head up and looked up and saw the rain was still heavy outside. He nodded "probably, you know how he tends to wake up when it gets loud. At least it wasn't thunder and lightning, or he would have come in screaming and crying" he said back. Magnus hugged his son, just being glad he wasn't very scared and he came in more peaceful anyways. Alec smiled and ran his hands through Magnus's hair and giggled quietly. Alec loved playing with his hair. He kissed Magnus gently "I love you Magnus. So much" he said. The warlock smiled down at his favorite shadowhunter "I love you too Alexander. You mean the world and more to me" He grinned at him and hugged him the best he could with Max in the middle of them. He buried his face in his shoulder for a moment and smiled. He loved Magnus so much and he loved the small and cute moments they had like they were having now. He smiled again and pulled away when he felt Max moving around. Max soon did wake up. He looked up and giggled. Alec smiled and peppered his face with kisses gently "Well hello there sweet thing" he smiled and hugged him. Max smiled brightly and hugged him. "The rain was too loud" he pouted. Magnus chuckled quietly "We figured so. But we don't mind you sleeping with us" he ruffled his already mess of a hair. He giggled and buried his face in the pillows. Magnus flashed a smile at Alec. He checked the clock and saw that it was still really late. He rubbed Max's back gently "We should all go back to sleep" he said and hugged him again. Alec laid to face them and he started to play with Max's hair since he knew that Max found that very relaxing. Max was asleep in moments and was curled into his parents. Alec kissed his forehead and kissed Magnus gently "Good night, Magnus" he smiled. He rolled back over and fell asleep in a short period of time. Magnus smiled and hugged them all close, even Chairman who crawled and laid by their heads. He kept them close and smiled weakly as he shut his eyes. The last thoughts he had while falling asleep included how much he loved his family and what he would make for breakfast for them the following morning.

Hey guys! Here's another story! (Finally right?) I know I never update on a schedule but I'm trying to make some more one shots and I've been working on a new fanfiction and maybe an original story sometime soon. I hope you guys like this one shot and I will have more one shots up soon and maybe new stories all together! Bye guys! *waves*

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