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One thing Alec knew Magnus hated was his birthday. Magnus hated them because he was so old..804 birthdays to be exact. And in a few days it would be 805 birthdays. 

It took a while for Magnus to finally tell his boyfriend when his birthday was.

"Why did you never say anything before?"

"Cause I'm really old and I just don't like my birthday anymore and I also hate the age difference between us."

"But it's your birthday."

"Alexander I'm old. I don't like my birthday. People get older and I'm really old."

"But it's still your birthday. The day you were born. If your birthday didn't happen I wouldn't have you. The best thing to ever happen to me."

"You're a doll. But I still don't like it. I'm so old its just.." He didn't finish the sentence.

Ever since then, Alec had been planning a mini party for his boyfriend. Just to celebrate a little bit. It was a birthday, you had to have a little fun right? Alec thought so.

*                        *                         *            

It was the day. Magnus's 805th birthday. The day Magnus had been dreading for the last two weeks. Alec woke up early to find the warlock still sleeping. Alec always thought that Magnus was adorable when he slept. They way his nose would scrunch up and he would bury his face in the blankets. Or curl up next to him subconsciously. It was cute.

Alec slowly got out of bed and covered him up. He left and shut the door behind him. He pulled out a pot and some stuff to make his boyfriend breakfast. Magnus could easily snap his fingers and he could have breakfast but it was his birthday. He wanted to make breakfast for him. He started cooking and hoped he wouldn't wake up soon.

Magnus woke up as Alec was finishing up. He walked into the kitchen and saw him cooking. Alec was cooking. Cooking for him. Oh God no. Please no. Alec turned around and saw Magnus. He grinned and walked over. "Its the birthday boy!" He reached up and kissed him. He wrapped his arm around his waist. "You're just in time. Breakfast is ready." he said. Alec walked into the kichen and made their plates and they ate at the island.

"Alec I told you. I don't like doing stuff like this on my birthday.."

"Well I wanted to. Its your birthday for God's sake!" 


"Don't be such a downer. It'll be fine. 

They finished eating and Alec led him to the couch. Alec wrapped a blanket around him and made him some coffee. "I have set up a day filled with fun stuff for your birthday. So sit back and enjoy." Alec walked over to the TV and set everything up for the DVD player. "I have found all your favorite movies so that's what we will first start with." Alec sat back on the couch and cuddled up to his boyfriend. They watched movies all morning.

By Afternoon Magnus and Alec were still cuddled up together. Magnus got up and started heading for his study. Alec stopped him. "Whoa there. Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the study. I'm gonna do some work.." 

"No. It's your birthday. And we are celebrating. No work."

"But Alecccc..." he whined. 

"No ifs, ands, or buts about it." Magnus sighed and crossed his arms. "Fine." he grumbled. Alec pulled him back on the couch and wrapped him back up in the blanket. He came back with a few presents and sat down next to him. "No Alec. Absolutely not. You're lucky you got me to eat birthday breakfast!" Magnus wasn't that mad, but he was a  little happy at the same time. Alec handed him one of the boxes. "Just open it you big baby." 

Magnus glared at him and sighed. He slowly unwrapped the wrapping paper off the box. Magnus opened the box and it was a sparkly scarf. He chuckled and put it on and smiled at his boyfriend. "The second I saw that, I thought of you. It has your name written all over it." Alec learned over and kissed his nose. Alec handed him a smaller box. "I think you'll really like this one." he said. Magnus smiled faintly. He opened it again slowly and gasped. It was a picture frame. In it, was Magnus's favorite picture of the couple, and the picture frame said. "Love you to the moon and back." Magnus sighed and looked over at his boyfriend. "Babe! This is beautiful! I love it! Thank you!" He leaned back over and kissed his nose. He took the scarf off and put the picture of them on the coffee table. He smiled at his boyfriend. "Now what do you have planned?" He asked.

Alec smirked and move to sit in his lap. He leaned down and kissed him gently at fist, then quickened the pace. "I don't know babe. What do you think?" He leaned back down and kissed his neck. Magnus gasped and let Alec continue  "Well?" Alec asked. Magnus looked up and just nodded. He picked Alec up and carried him to bed.

*                        *                               *

A few hours later, they laid in bed next to each other. A mess of sweaty limbs and heavy breathing.  Magnus looked down at his boyfriend and sighed. How could he have asked for a better boyfriend? Alec was just an amazing and charming person. Alec looked up at him and giggled. He leaned up and kissed his forehead. Magnus pulled the covers over them and wrapped his arms around his middle and tangled their legs together. Alec moved as close as he could to him.  He looked back up and kissed his boyfriend. Magnus just laughed. "This is the best birthday I've had in 100 years." He whispered in his ear. Alec giggled and moved to be facing the warlock. "Happy birthday Magnus Bane. I love you." The shadowhunter said. Magnus smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Alexander Lightwood." They laid in bed until they fell asleep in each others arms.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long! I've been really busy and never had the time. I hope you guys like this one shot,  I will do my best to update. Until then, vote, comment and all that good stuff and I'll see you guys later. Bye! *disappears into the mist* 

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