Bows and Arrows (Part 2)

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Only a few short weeks had passed since Alec left with the army, Magnus was still deeply upset with this. He hoped Alec was okay and wasn't bleeding out somewhere in a field or something. Magnus's mind always slipped, and he always caught himself thinking about the beautiful shadowhunter. He missed everything about him. He hoped everyday; Alec would walk though the door and everything would be okay again. But the sad truth was, he wouldn't be coming home anytime soon.

* * *
 A handful of people had died while trying to figure out who these people where and why there where doing this. It had only been a few weeks, and Alec had already been though a lot. From things like seeing people get hurt to having to hold someone as they died. It felt like hell. Nights were the worst, especially if he had to guard. It was always dark and every noise set him on edge. If he wasn't on guard, he was trying to get some sleep. It was hard; all he heard was crying and screaming from nightmares. If he fell asleep he would wake up from nightmares. The only thing that kept him sane was talking about his family and Magnus to the others. They would sit around with lanterns and play cards and tell stories about their loved ones. All Alec wanted now was just to go home.

*                            *                        *
It had now been a few months, and Magnus was worried sick. There was no way to contact him or anyone else for the matter. He was always afraid every time his phone would ring it would be one of the Lightwood's telling him Alec had died. But it was never them; just another stupid client. Another month had passed and he got a call from the Clave
"Magnus Bane?"
" may I help you?" He sighed
"We've been informed that you and Catarina Loss are skilled healers. Am I correct?"
"Yes..well Catarina is more skilled than me...why do you ask?"
"The army. People are dropping like flies. We need help. We've decided to enlist some warlocks,and I've been told by many that you and Catarina are some of the best in the business. So, we were wondering if you would set up a camp fairly close to where the base came for the army is..would you be willing to do that?"
Magnus thought for a moment. Of course we would have to deal with the sick, injured and dying. But to help that Clave essentially means helping Alec.
"Yes..yes I'll do it. What did Catarina say?"
"She agreed. We want to see you both bright and early in three days alright? You'll make a portal here and we will help you get to the camp okay?"
"Alright..great. Thank you much" they both hung up the phone.
*                            *                       *
Three days lager, Magnus grabbed medical kit with pretty much can everything, even some potions, and made himself a portal to where he had to say goodbye to Alec all those months ago. Catarina  was already there with her medical kit. She set it down and hugged her long time friend. He smiled and hugged her back tightly. They pulled away and grabbed their things, beginning to follow  shadowhunter down a long corridor. Magnus thought to himself this was the same path Alec took when he left to fight. The shadowhunter opened a door. "Walk though. It will take you to the base camp, and there's a tent there for you both filled with most everything" he smiled. The warlocks walked thought and felt pressure on their chests and a blast of cool air. They landed on their feet and looked around. The general came up and shook hands with them and lead them to the tent. It was filled with cots and supplies; anything anyone would need. They started to set up, and the general started talking to Catarina. Magnus kept looking up and tried to see his boyfriend. The general cleared his throat and looked down at him. "I was thinking you could look around the area and see if you can help anyone who may-" Magnus stood up and interrupted him. "I have a question"
"Alright, what is it?"
"Do you know where someone is and if they are okay?"
"State a name"
"Alexander Lightwood"
"He's currently out.I can send him in here once he gets back if you'd like"
"That would be great, thank you so much"
"No problem. If you need anything, let me know okay?" He nodded and left. Catarina went over and smiled. "What did he say about Alec?" He smiled. "He's out, but said he would send him in here when he came back"
"Oh that's great!" She hugged him again. "Should we go look around like he said?"
"Yeah we should, let's go" they left the little tent and walked around and looked to see anything. They didn't find much, aside from dead animals. They went to turn around and go back before they heard a scream.
The warlocks turned around and Catarina gasped. Three or four people were carrying someone, and were desperately trying to move faster. Some of them were hurt themselves. They ran over to help them. The people dropped the badly hurt person in the middle of the field and struggled to pick them up again. Catarina started to work on the others quickly. Magnus ran and grew closer. Once he got close enough he froze and cried out loudly. Tears sprung into his eyes. He knew exactly who was the one dying in the field. It was Alec, his pale and limp body bleeding out right there in the middle of the field.

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