Too much work

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Alec sorta had valid reasons to feel like he was ignored. Because Magnus was always working. Alec couldn't blame that badly. He was a warlock. It was his job. But they barely spend time together. Mangus was always in the study. Working for another stupid client. It was annoying to him. He wanted to spend time with his boyfriend. It felt like Magnus would be in the study all day and by the time he was done, it was too late to do much. One day, Alec was really wanting to talk to Magnus. He got up the courage to go the study and talk to him. He hated going into the study. He was afraid he would walk in and get hurt or cursed by going in. He went up to the door and knocked twice. "Come in." he heard muffled. He walked in to Magnus bending down too look for some sort of book. "Yes Alec?" he asked, with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. "I wanna talk for a little bit." Alec said. "Okay. Sit down then." Alec came over and sat in one of the chairs in the study. Magnus sat across from him in the desk chair. "What do you need to talk about?" He asked. " mostly." Magnus raised his eyebrows and sat back into the chair. "Well go on then." he said. "Well...Lately I feel..ignored by you. I feel like your always working...It's like we never spend time together. Like you're always working." Alec was scared to see what he would say. He'd either say sorry or kick him out. He sunk into the chair, waiting for his answer. Magnus was in deep thought, he looked up at Alec. "Well. You're right. I have been working way more than I usually do. I now realize I sorta have been ignoring you. I'm so sorry babe. It's just with all these clients and such it's kinda hard to balance everything." Magnus frowned at him. "Sorry." he said. "Magnus dont' feel bad. You didn't mean to. I know it must be hard." Alec gave a reassuring smile. "So...can we spend some time together?" he asked; hopefull. Magnus inhaled a sharp breath. "As much as I want to right now. I can't. I need to finish this thing for a client that I'll be meeting up with soon...I'm sorry darling." Magnus turned around in the desk chair and started looking through papers. Alec was upset. He didn't know when he'd be done working. They just had a talk about working too much. Alec decied to make him stop. When Magnus had his back tunred he climbed on the desk and sat crossed legged on it. When Magnus turned around he jumped a little bit. "Oh! I thought  you left. You scared me." he chuckled.

"Alec babe."


"You're distarting you know that?"

"I know I am. I wanna spend time together."

"Not right now love, I'm busy. We will later."

"When's later?"

"I don't know babe."

"Maybe later should be now." 

"I'm busy."

"You don't have to work."

"I kinda do." 

"Who said?"

"No one.."

"Exatly. So stop working and come spend time with me."



Alec sat on the desk still and crosse his arms and Magnus did the same thing. "Alec I need to work."

"You don't" Alec said. He knew he was being stubborn. He didn't care. Alec got off the desk and climbed up onto Magnus's lap. He wrapped his arms around the warlocks middle. "Do you really really have to work?" he asked. Magnus looked up at him. "Yes I have to." he said. "Come on. Just spend a little time with me. Please?" Alec leaned down and kissed him gently. Magnus did the same thing. "Come on. Just a little bit of time. It wouldn't kill you." he said. Alec ran his hands up and down Magnus's sides. "Please?" he whispered in his ear and kissed it. He knew that drove him wild. Magnus looked up at him. "I guess I could take a break..." he said. "That's the sprit. Come on babe." Alec pulled him into a passionate kiss and Magnus did the same. Magnus picked up and carried him to their bedroom and slammed the door. 

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