16 - cold

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i giggled, scrolling through the tiktoks on my for you page. my boyfriend louis was staying over for the weekend, and right now he was doing his homework on my own desk. 

"y/n, please turn the ac off," he pleaded for probably the 7th time today, "it's fucking freezing,"

"nope," i teased, i was in my thick comforters on the bed, while louis was on my seat in front of the desk in only a hoodie and sweatpants. i didn't blame him, i mean, it was winter out and i wouldn't be surprised if it was already snowing at this point. 

"please," he begged, looking at me with nearly irresistble puppy dog eyes. 

"mmm," i hummed, refusing to turn off the chilly air conditioning. i was just teasing him, of course i'd turn it off, eventually

he groaned, running both of his hands through his messy hair in annoyance. i grinned with amusement, watching him bury his face in his hands. i was being quite mean, wasn't i? 

"i'm done- i give up!" he says, his voice really raspy. 

"what? you barely studied shit," i said.

"yeah- no i know more than you do!" he retorted, getting up from his seat and coming to the bed where i was laying.

"i- i know a lot! like-" 

louis crawled on to the bed beside me and my puppy named kitten. yes, i named my dog kitten.

"like what? hm?" he said, pushing his face really close to mine that i could hear him breath. our faces were merely centimeters apart, our noses were nearly touching.

"like-" i pushed his face away by a bit, giggling softly. "the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."

he rolled his eyes, falling to the other side of the bed beside me as he laughed. 

"what? tell me i'm wrong, bitch," i teased through laughter. looking at him as he stared back at me. the smiles on our faces slowly faded as he looked at me like he was deep in thought. 

"what? don't stare at me like that-"

he sat up, got on top of me (respectfully) and gripped the sides of my waist in one swift motion, making me yelp in surprise. then, he started to tickle me. 

"shit- AH fuck- louis!" i laughed uncontrollably. "please- g-get off m- AHHH- GET OFF MEE,"

"can you turn off the ac?" he asked the same question, pausing his attack.

"noooope," i whined.

he sighed in defeat, still hovering over me. "how are you not absolutely freezing?" 

"uh-" i joked, "i'm just built different,"

he rolled his eyes, "there's room for two of us under this huge, might i add very thick and warm comforter, louis partridge." 

"i love when you call me by my full name," he whispered before crashing down on the bed once again beside me. he crawled under the bed sheets and shut his eyes in calmness and relief. his presence also providing me with warmth. 

as i was just about to turn the tv on to watch netflix, i felt his arm grab my waist and cuddle me. 

i let out a soft squeal at the action, smiling as he nuzzled his face into my shoulder. 

"mm," he hummed, "you're so warmmmmm,"

i got a warm feeling at the pit of my stomach, as drowsiness washed over my body in louis' arms. 


woahhhh i was gone for so long HSDMFJSM
ok bye its almost valentines day i wanna cry

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐄 imagines 🎐Where stories live. Discover now