06 - christmas (pt.2)

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part 2 for the christmas chapter, if u havent read that one go read >:)
lol ill make this one super cliche and sappy
also if you n louis are like really touchy??? its normal for you two since youre really close friends
also little backstory, you and louis have been friends since you were little kids and you've had a crush on each other since you were 12 but u never admitted anything okok cool  and italics means thoughts

and if u know me irl, no u dont❤️
dear irl friends dont read this if u read this im actually gonna go to ur houses and eat ur eyeballs<3

louis' pov
my eyes fluttered open and i felt warm, and comfortable. y/n was sound asleep on my chest, her arms wrapped around my torso, i kissed her head and rested my forehead on the top of hers.
i wanted to tell her how much i liked her so bad, i wanted to tell her how i felt about her, i wanted to be more than friends, but i knew she was scared of relationships and the thought i might ruin our perfect friendship if i told her scared me. i admired her as she slept, she looked so pretty. i caught myself smiling and blushing as i felt her move, "lou?" she whispered sleepily, not moving her head from my chest. "morning," i greeted, gently combing her gorgeous h/c locks with my fingers. she opened her eyes and hugged me tighter, moments like these made me want to stay like this forever. "merry christmas," she giggled softly, her warm breath on my arm, giving me butterflies. "merry christmas, love," i whispered, and we stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's warmth on christmas morning.

that was until issie, my older sister, barged in the room, "hey guys, mu- oh my god you guys are so fuckin cute," she laughed, i rolled my eyes jokingly and giggled. "man, why can't anyone snuggle with me for christmas morning?" issie complained, which made y/n snicker. "well, mum said breakfast is nearly ready, be down in a few minutes." she continued, finally shutting the door. y/n slowly let go of my embrace, and i frowned, "as much as i would like to stay with you like this forever, we have to go eat." she said, yawning. i nodded and got out of bed, stretching my arms. y/n rubbed her eyes and followed me downstairs.

"good morning!" y/n's mum said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. i sat down in the living room, going on my phone, "morning louis!" mum said, sitting beside me on the sofa. "morning mum," i said, not looking up from my phone. "issie told me about you and y/n, have you told her how you feel?" she whispered, well i didn't expect this to come up. mum was the only person who knew about my crush on her. i shook my head and just continued to scroll through instagram mindlessly, "just shoot your shot, don't be afraid sweetie," she said reassuringly.

"mum we've been friends for years and i know she's scared of relationships, and i, um, don't wanna ruin our already amazing friendship," i said, tearing up. i put my phone down and looked up at the ceiling, trying to keep my eyes from watering. "alright louis, you'll know when the time is right," mum said, giving me a hug. i nodded and smiled weakly, wiping my tears. she stood up from the couch and headed to the kitchen.

third person pov
"luke! wake up! breakfast is ready," you said, as your little brother rolled around in bed. you closed the door and ran back downstairs, heading to the living room. louis was sitting there on his phone, smiling. you always found his smile so cute. "hey," you said, sitting down beside him. "hi," he said softly, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
mrs. partridge approached the two of you, "time for breakfast," louis's mum smirked, you and louis got up and followed her to the dining table.

soon you were done with breakfast and the partridge family had to go. "louis go pack up your things now," his dad ordered, louis nodded in response and went upstairs to your room. you quickly followed him and helped him pack. "thanks," he said, zipping up his bag. "no problem," you smiled, "i'll miss you," he whispered, "oh shut up louis we're gonna see each other
again for the new year," you giggled, sitting on the bed beside him.

louis' pov
she sat beside me, i wanted to tell her how much i liked her, how much i admired her when we would spend time together, i wanted her to know how much she meant to me, how beautiful she looked and how her smile brightened up my day. her presence was enough to make me happy. fuck it, "y/n," i said, my voice really shaky. "hm?" she asked, i looked at her e/c eyes that twinkled in the sunshine. "i, uhm, i really like you," i stuttered, what the fuck was that louis, "what?" she asked, "like, seriously, i have a, um, crush on you," i continued shakily, oh god what was i thinking, "totally," she giggled, she stood up and checked around her room, like she was looking for something, "what? what are you looking for?" i asked, a lump forming in my throat. "cameras, this is probably a prank," she said calmly, i forced a laugh, "no, y/n i'm serious," i said, clearing my throat. she nodded and smiled at me. i looked down at the floor, oh my god ive ruined our friendship, what was i thinking??? i should've just kept it to myself,
my eyes started to water and i made an effort to stop them from flowing. "louis?" y/n said, lifting my chin, her beautiful e/c eyes met mine, "i like you too," she said, her face lighting up.

your pov
"y/n," louis said as i sat beside him, "hm?" i asked, he looked so cute like this, he looked deep in thought, "i really like you," he stuttered, oh my god oh my god oh my god no fucking way this must be a prank, "totally," i laughed, standing up to look for some sort of camera. "what are you looking for?" louis asked, his voice cracking. "cameras, this is probably a prank," i muttered, he laughed softly, "no y/n i'm serious," he said shakily, clearing his throat. oh my god i must be dreaming, i nodded and smiled shyly, he looked down at the floor, fuck it, i lifted his head to face me, "louis?" i said, he was tearing up, "i like you too,"

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