05 - paparazzi

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thank u for the idea BrynnLA 

ok so basically y/n is like really famous for modeling and tiktok, and louis admitted in an interview for enola holmes that u were his celeb crush and u got together a few months after yayayya lets say that this is a year after enola holmes and hes alr really famous wowoow like 34m followers on instagram and 10m on tiktok and like 20m on twitter  and like this is in los angeles yea yea i dont like this story 😋 

also if u guys dont know fletcher is hollywood fix's name so if i use his name thats why 

"bye mum!" you said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "louis is here to pick me up," you said, she nodded, "stay safe!" your mother said, closing the door behind you. you were going out to dinner with your boyfriend louis. you both chose to keep your relationship private for now.

"y/n!!" he giggled, pulling you into a hug. "louis!!" you laughed, copying his tone. he kissed your head and smiled, he smelled so good. "come on, we might be late," you said, pulling away from his embrace, he nodded and opened the car door for you, helping you in like the gentleman he is. he sat beside you in his ✨tesla✨, his driver was bringing the two of you to the restaurant. "there might be paparazzi there and i know it makes you uncomfortable, so you don't have to answer any questions if you don't want to," louis said, "no, it's okay. all i have to is deny the fact we're in a relationship." you laughed, turning on your phone and going on instagram.

"i'm sorry," louis said, "for what?" you asked, he had nothing to be sorry for,  "because we can't  share our relationship to the public," he said softly, "louis it's fine, it's literally better if we don't share it because we don't know how people would react," you said, reassuringly. soon you arrived at the restaurant and as you expected, you were flooded by paparazzi. 

"louis! so there has been a lot of rumors lately that you and y/n are dating, is that true?" the hollywood fix asked,  "no, we're just besties," louis chuckled, holding your hand. you giggled and nodded, there were people surrounding the two of you, wanting pictures and asking questions that it was hard to attend to all of them. you didn't want to be rude so you tried to talk to as many of them, getting separated from louis who was also doing the same. "how are you y/n?" another paparazzi asked, there were cameras flashing, taking pictures left and right of the two of you, "i'm good, thank you for asking!" you smiled, taking a few pictures with fans and also smiling for paparazzi pictures, "so, are you and louis official yet?" fletcher asked, you laughed and shook your head, "fletcher, me and louis are just friends," you replied, "but didn't he say in an interview a while back that you're his celebrity crush?" he asked, holding the camera, filming as you tried to take pictures with your fans, "oh, yea, that was a long time ago," you giggled, trying to avoid the question. "y/n can i have a picture?" a group of teen girls asked, "of course!" you said kindly, smiling for them. "it was so nice meeting you guys," you said, waving goodbye to them, "what do you think about dixie damelio and noah beck confirming their relationship?" fletcher asked, "oh! i'm really happy for them." you replied, as you scanned the crowd, looking for louis. "how does it feel being friends with louis partridge when millions of girls are crushing on him?" fletcher asked, pointing the camera at you, you laughed, "keep crushing on him,"  "thank you fletcher, have a good evening!" you said, as you tried to get to your boyfriend who was also being surrounded by people, 

"miss y/n can you make a tiktok with me?" "y/n! can i have a picture?" "y/n! y/n! are you and louis dating?" "y/n, i'm a big fan can-" "y/n what do you think about-" voices filled your ears as people continued to surround you. what was i thinking when i said we didn't need security- you asked yourself, "me and louis are just going out for dinner," you said, waving to the paparazzi. you felt a hand grab your arm, you squealed, "chill, y/n," a familiar voice said, it was louis, you looked embarrassed and giggled softly, "sorry," you whispered, your fingers intertwined as the two of you made your way through the crowd, cameras flashing, and voices trying to get your attention, "have a good evening you guys," louis said, as you finally entered the restaurant.

"oh my god," you laughed lightly, "you okay?" he asked, "yea, they wouldn't stop asking if we were dating," you giggled, as the two of you walked to your reserved table. "there were so many people it was literally so hard to attend to everyone there," louis said, looking through the menu. "i know, right? we should've asked for security again this time," you frowned, it was a bit overwhelming. louis nodded and handed you the menu as well, "fletcher asked me about the time when you said i was your celebrity crush," you giggled, looking in the menu. "damn people won't forget about that," he snickered, "i must be very memorable," you laughed as the two of you had your dinner. 

there were big windows and you could see the paparazzi filming you two and taking pictures, "ok but, how do they even find us," you asked, trying not to look at the windows, "i literally don't even know," louis said, waving at the cameras. "liCherally," you teased him, "shut up, i know you find my accent hot," he giggled, "sometimes," you blushed.


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