08 - corona

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basically how ur relationship would be w louis if u were his girlfriend rn

also is it wrong to call this book louis partridge imagines?  bc someone told me these arent imagines and imagines arent stories and more of like, descriptions. so idk aLso i havent been updating my other book bc i have 0 ideas lol i like writing on this book 

bc i don need to make a plot lol

louis 🦋🤍

wants to facetime..

accept!      decline

"good morning," louis moaned sleepily, you could see him smile and roll over on his bed, holding his phone. "morning," you groaned, "i just woke up," you rubbed your eyes and yawned.
"me too." he replied, running a hand through his hair.

"how are you," he asked, the sunlight making his brunette hair and hazel eyes glow,
"i'm doing alright," you yawned, asking him the same question.
"i'm good, i have to film interviews all day today, over zoom of course," he said, you nodded and headed downstairs to the kitchen, propping up your phone on the counter as you made your cereal. "i got 3 million followers in less than a week that's literally so crazy," louis said excitedly,
"and theres like, fanpages of me?" he continued, explaining how fast he's been growing because of his new role in enola holmes. "i literally have like 30 thousand follow requests and i'm not even exaggerating," you giggled, bringing your cereal and your phone to the dining table. 

"how do these fan pages find your account? like i literally posted about you ONCE and i didn't even tag you," louis asked, you shrugged and ate your cereal, putting your phone infront of you so you could see the facetime. "my first interview starts at 11am so we can talk for a bit more if you'd like," he said, as your mother walked downstairs and greeted you good morning,
"morning mum!" you said, "and yes i'd love to talk more," you replied, finishing up your cereal. 
"who's on the phone?" your mum asked, making some egg for breakfast. "it's louis," you said, showing the phone to your mum, "hi mrs. l/n!" louis greeted, she waved and continued cooking.
"wait i'll just wash my bowl," you told louis, putting the facetime on pause.

 after a bit you came back and brought your phone upstairs, as you slumped on your bed. 
"wanna watch me play the piano?" louis asked,
"is that even a question? of course i wanna watch you play the piano!" you giggled, as you watched him prop up his phone on the piano. "i learned this yesterday just for you," he said, playing (your favorite song) on the piano. you listened and just smiled sheepishly as you admired him play the piano. 

an hour passed as the two of you just talked over facetime,
"lou it's 10:50 you need to go to your zoom interview," you reminded him.
"oh yea," he frowned, "i'll call you back when i'm free," you nodded and waved goodbye.
you spent the rest of the day doing homework for online school, 'occasionally' going on tiktok.
"y/n there's a package for you," your mum shouted from downstairs, weird, you didn't order anything. you headed downstairs and checked it out, "it's from louis," mum said.

it was a small blueberry cheesecake, with a note that read 

'miss u so much and i wish i could bake this w  you  (yes i baked this myself!!)
<3 louis'

and he also sent a bag full of chocolates and candies. you blushed and put the cake in the refrigerator to cool, as you took the bag of sweets and brought them to your room to eat. 

louis 🦋🤍

the loml💛
ive consumed almost all the chocolate:(
[ delivered at 2:43 pm ]

after a bit you finished up your homework and laid in bed to rewatch enola holmes. purely because you liked 'the plot' and not because you wanted to watch your boyfriend as tewkesbury. you were on the dramatic palace scene when you were interrupted by the notifications on your phone.

louis 🦋🤍

the loml💛
ive consumed almost all the chocolate:(

hi beb

im done w one interview i have one more left in an hourIM SO HAPPY U LIKED MY SURPRISEYAAYYAAY

the loml💛
im saving the cake for when we
facetime until we fall asleep at like 3am lol

ooo yes yay
im gonna go live on ig w millie for a bit

o ok im gonna join !
[ seen at 2:51 pm ]

louispartridge_ is going live with milliebobbybrown !

"hi millie," louis chuckled, you could see all the fan pages flooding the comments,

"hi louisss," millie giggled, "how are you?" he asked, running a hand through his hair. 
"i'm doing good..." they just continued to answer some questions in the chat, until one question caught your attention the most, "my screen is just filled with people asking if i'm single," louis giggled, "i don't like this question."

time skip lol

louis 🦋🤍

wants to facetime..

accept! decline

"wait i'm brushing my teeth," you muttered, putting the phone on the bathroom counter. you quickly spit out your toothpaste and gargled water.
"was i good in the live, i wasn't awkward was i?" he asked, frowning faintly.
"no you weren't," you giggled, jumping into bed. 
"i wish i could be there with you right now," he groaned, 
"so do i, all because of this stupid virus!" 

authors note

- lol i hate this chapter but its better than nothing
- pls vote comment and share this to ur friends yaayaya
- comment requests !!!

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐈𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐄 imagines 🎐Where stories live. Discover now