18 - hurt

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SUMMARY: y/n and louis are arguing over something, when louis raises his hand to run through his hair, y/n flinches, thinking he was out to hit her due to the trauma her abusive ex gave her.

requested by: @YanksTrash

louis and i's relationship was almost picture-perfect. he would do everything to make sure i was alright, and when i begged to repay him for his actions, he'd say the simple smile on my face, and my warm hugs were enough for him. burnt out from school? movie night and cuddles. need a break? he'd bring you to set with him for fun. he'd even go as far as bringing you to the park to see the ducks because you sent him a tiktok of them you found cute.

almost picture perfect.

just like any other relationship, of course.

we would fight on occasions (very rare occasions, might i add) and most of them ended up with us just giving each other space, then immediately making up the next day. but today we were fighting, and it clearly wasn't one of those fights.

i was sat on the kitchen counter while louis tried not to raise his voice in front of me. he wasn't the type to get angry quickly, but when he did, it was bad.

"y/n, it's not petty to unfollow your abusive ex." he let out a breathy laugh. we had previously had an argument because i told him my ex's new girlfriend was pretty. i never really meant for him to get so pissed over it.

"i- i know i just-" i didn't know why. honestly.

"you what? y/n, give me one reason why you don't want to block him or even unfollow him." he was starting to raise his voice, and i started to shake a little, my ex's voice ringing in my head.

"exactly." he said, when receiving no response from me.

he stood closer in front of me. "look, i'm trying to talk it out properly, okay? i've been patient with you for the past few months, listening to you ranting about how pretty his new girl is as if you were jealous she was with him, y/n." his voice was low, but it seemed to petrify me even more.

"is there something he has that i don't that makes you so insecure that he has a new girlfriend? are you not happy with how i treat you, baby?"

"i'm happy with you." i muttered, trying to keep my voice steady.

"then what? why are you like this?" he said, struggling to find words.

"i- i don't know, louis." i hopped off the counter, turning my back to him as tears threatened to well in my eyes. i took a step to my bedroom, i didn't want him to see me cry. i couldn't go any further, as i felt his hand firmly grasp my wrist, turning me around.

"y/n talk to me for fuck's sake!" he shouted, his hold on my wrist for sure making a mark.

he's never shouted at me until now, i knew i was at fault in this argument. my lips trembled, as i tried my hardest not to let the tears fall from my glossy eyes.

he saw me crying, as he let out a sigh.

we were in close proximity now, the tears falling down my face. there was no use stopping them now.


i stared at her petite figure. i felt so bad for raising my voice at her, knowing what she's been through, but it annoyed me that she wanted to run away from our argument i've been trying so hard to patiently talk out. it felt like she just failed to understand my side of the story.

i raised my hand to tug my hair out of frustration, when i saw her flinch, raising her arms in front of her as if i was gonna hit her, a small sob emitting from her mouth.

my heart dropped at her reaction, i knew she had trauma from her abusive ex boyfriend and i would rather die than have my actions ever compare to his. my expression immediately softened as i froze, not knowing what to do.

the last thing i would ever want is for y/n to think i would even try hurting her.

"y/n.." i said softly. "oh my god, i'm so sorry. i would never hurt you, baby."

i opened my arms cautiously and slowly, scared i might alarm her again.

she lowered her hands from where they were, above her head shielding her in reflex. she looked up at me with her swollen, glossy eyes, tears still about to drop down her blushy cheeks.

weirdly enough, despite our circumstances, i still found her breathtakingly gorgeous.

she accepted my embrace, burying her head in my chest as i kissed the top of her head, murmuring apologies and words of affirmation to her.

"i wouldn't hurt you, i'm sorry for pushing it. i'm sorry for raising my voice, baby." i whispered to her, as she didn't let go of our warm hug. i received no response but her soft cries that hurt my heart every single time. 

y/n meant the whole world to me. to think that she thought i would abuse her, like how her ex did, broke my heart into a million pieces. all the built up anger and frustration was washed away with feelings of sadness and concern.

after a few minutes, she started apologizing back for things i simply didn't care about, and things i didn't at all think were her fault. all that was on my mind was guilt. i felt guilty that she had reacted that way, when it was never my intention. i felt so incredibly guilty for raising my voice at her.

"look, how about we go back to your bedroom and watch some disney while we cuddle under the bedsheets? i'll order food too! i know you love [favorite food]." i offered, once she had calmed down, and the tension between us disappeared.

"i'd love that, louis." she smiled faintly. when i tell you how warm my insides felt as i saw her smile again, you wouldn't believe me.

i held her hand gently, leading her back to her bedroom as i jumped in bed, opening the blanket for her, tapping the bed as a gesture for her to come lay with me. she sat beside me, her colder hands playing with mine. it was a habit of hers that i found adorable. whenever she got bored or anxious, she'd tend to grab my hand and start playing with my fingers, drawing shapes on my palm.

i laughed softly, getting a little tickled. i put my arms around her waist, pulling her closer as she let out a small yelp. i rested my chin on her shoulder, giving her cheek a kiss as she smiled, her dimple showing.

"i love you." i whisper into her ear.

she tilted her head slightly, "i know you do."

how we feeling🤨🤨
also ik im gonna be receiving comments ab how overreactive y/n or louis is or whatever, because i get them every time i write smth like this but pls understand its literally???? just??? for fun???? if u dont like it, then move along🙏🏼 u dont need to leave rude comments thank u


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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