I Miss You

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It was morning once again and Donald got up and decided to cuddle up to melania for a few minutes before getting up and gave her a kiss on the cheek which then make her start to wake up "good morning handsome." melania said, "good morning gorgeous." said Donald "what are your plans for today handsome man of mine."melania said, I could tell you what I want to do Donald said with a wink no I'm only kidding but seriously I have a rally today In Georgia, do I have to get up Donald groaned yes handsome you do you have to take a shower and get ready said melania so finally Donald got the courage to get up and stretch, how come you look so handsome in the morning mr president melania said I'm not your just in love Donald replied finally Donald got dressed before he left he wrapped his arms around melania. Goodbye my love I'll see you later I'm going to miss you so much Donald said as he kissed her on the lips passionately I'm going to miss to too but just don't try to think about me and it will go fast goodbye handsome I love you so much
Finally the rally was over and Donald was headed back to Washington DC to see his baby he got off Air Force one and headed up to their living space and Donald was standing there as melania jumped into his arms and gave him a kiss hey baby I missed you so much melania said I missed you too so much Donald said, you ready for bed beautiful said Donald, of course whenever you are said melania . They got cuddled up in bed and before you know it their both out in each other's arms

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Donald and Melania Trump RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now