Barron's First Day Of College

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Today is Barron's first day of college and everyone knew it was going to be an emotional day

Barron was already up for his day, sitting at the counter in silence

His parents walked in the kitchen "My boy, you ready" Donald smiled

Barron got up wrapping his dad In a hug "Yeah"

"I am so proud of you bud" He hugged Barron

"Thank you daddy" Barron smiled

"You boys want breakfast" Melania asked then smiling

"Sure" Donald and Barron ssid

Donald sat with his son, just enjoying their time.. but slowly getting emotional

"You grew up to fast baby boy" Donald said, tears forming in his eyes

Melania placed Barron's scrambled eggs on the table for her boys, getting emotional

Barron saw his dad emotional and started crying himself "Oh dad"

Barron got up off the stool to hug his dad for the longest time

"I love you" Barron whispered in the silence of their hug

Donald let go, looking at his son smiling but sadly "I love you my boy"

Before sitting back down Melania caught Barron's eye "Not you too"

Barron took his moms hand to get her to walk closer to them both, hugging her

"No crying, it's a good day, new chapter" Barron loosened his hug looking at his mom, "I love you"

"I love you" She smiled

"Alright, I really gotta get a move on. Come on dad let's eat" He said

After their breakfast together, Barron went and got dressed and came out into the kitchen in a white button up

"Mini me" Donald smiled as Barron sat down next to him

Barron smiled

"Mom, you've taken like 60,000 pictures" Barron said, Donald laughed

"Both of you stand up. Get with daddy" She smiled

Donald surprised Barron when he picked him up for Melania to take a picture, causing laughter to erupt

Barron wrapped his arms around his dad, smiling

Donald put him down, kissing his head

"Alright ma, come here. I gotta go" Barron said

Melania got a picture with her son and they finally sent him off

With that Barron was headed out the door 

"Love you guys" He smiled

"Love you B" they watched, smiling, and tears forming in their eyes

A little while had passed and while Donald and Melania, we're enjoying the peaceful to themselves together they couldn't help but feel they were missing something

"We just watched our son go to college and I don't know how to feel about it" Donald said sadly

I know it feels like we're missing a limb . Our baby is so grown up" Melania smiled at him

" it went by too fast, but seeing him excited made me feel better. We got this mama" Donald kissed her lips softly

"He is all you, to the nines" Melania smiled

"He truly is. I think I see it more and more everyday" Donald  smiled

"I would not want it any other way" She said

"I love you baby" Donald kissed her

"I love you darling" She kissed him back

Around 2, Barron walked back in the door and walked in the kitchen, seeing his parents sitting at the kitchen island

"Hey, my boy how was your day" Donald smiled

Barron sat down next to his dad, "Good, signed some autographs in class, you have no idea how many times I heard "you look just like your dad"Donald laughed

"Dude, someone said "you're so handsome, your dad did good" Barron laughed

"I guess I had no part of your conception, I just carried you" Melania laughed

Donald and Barron laughed "I felt like dad"

"Sorry kid, your genes are just that good" Donald smiled

"How did you sign autographs in class, wasn't secret service with you" Melania asked

"No, no it's fine. They stand outside class. Plus people asked nicely I wasn't gonna say no" Barron said

"You're our son baby, you're loved" Donald smiled proudly

"Other than that, the day was good, quick and easy" He said

"That's good" Donald smiled

"Actually, a bunch of guys are going out tonight and asked me to go. I think I'm gonna go for a little" Barron told his parents

"Barron, day one for real" Melania shook her head, slightly disproving

"Mom" Barron protested, slightly rolling his eyes

"Dad come on" Barron gave him the puppy eyes

"You can go" Donald smiled

"You're the best. I love you" Barron said, happy

"I love you bud" Be said

Barron walked to his room and Melania gave him her "mom" look

"Baby, he has four years, let him make friends and have fun. I will talk to him before he goes. But he'll be good"  Donald said

Come here. I love you mama" Donald pulled her into him, kissing him

Barron finished getting ready, wearing a button up with the two buttons undone and dress pants

"Barron come here" Donald yelled down the hall

Seconds later he came out to the living room

"Sit" Donald said sitting next to Melania

"Listen, I trust you. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes" Donald started

"Yes dad I know. I won't I promise" Barron promised

"Leave some room for Jesus, you got me" Donald said seriously

"I promise. Nothing like that will happen" Barron said, laughing slightly

"That happens fast. You do anything, my voice will be in the back of your head. I won't be happy. I trust you but that's all I'm saying" Donald said

"I know, and I know you trust me so I would never do anything I know you would be upset about. I promise I'll be good" Barron smiled

"You need me, you call me" Donald smiled

"I promise" Barron smiled

"Have fun" Donald said

"Love you guys, I'll be back in a little" Barron said as he walked out the door

"Love you" Both Donald and Melania said

Hey everyone! So sorry I haven't updated, I've been so busy. If you want another chapter like this, leave a comment. I will be continuing the "Pregnancy" chapters as wellbeing

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