How They Met

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Hey Guys! This first chapter is about how Sirius, and Regulus met Clara, and James...Enjoy!💕

The Potter's were headed to Diagon Alley, buying their things for their first year at Hogwarts. "Mummy! I want a cat!" Clara looked up to her mother who was holding her hand,

"Alright we'll get you a cat!" She smiled. "What about you James? What pet do you want?" their mother smiled sweetly at James, 

"I want an owl!" James gasped jumped up and down full of joy. And so they headed towards the pet shop, and the second Mrs. Potter let go of Clara's hand, Clara ran towards a ginger cat and picked it up, 

"Mummy! This one! This one!" Clara screamed, basically torturing the cat by jumping up and down. 

"Okay Clara, darling, but please be careful!" Mr. Potter laughed at the sight of the poor cat. James picked a Great Horned Owl, and they headed out of the store, 

"I'm naming him Elvis!" James exclaimed as he held Elvis in his cage, 

"Well, I'm naming her Ginger! Since she's orange!" Clara squealed, her parents looked at her, then looked back at each other and smiled.

The family was heading for Flourish and Blotts, when Clara wondered off with Ginger in her arms. She entered a shop titled 'Madam Malkin's', there she saw a young boy about her age with messy black hair. "Hi!" she waved at him,

"Hello! I'm Sirius Black," the young boy waved back. "Where are your parents?" he asked her looking around.

"Oh um off somewhere, I've wandered off." she blushed with a worried look on her face, realizing she had lost them. 

"We can ask my mother for help!" Sirius suggested,

"oh! Yes! But I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Clara Potter!" She smiled and held out her hand to Sirius, they shook hands and smiled. At that moment, Mrs. Black (Siriuss' mother) walked up to them, 

"and who might you be?" She glared at Clara. 

"Clara Potter, Miss." Clara answered, remembering her manners. 

"And your parents are where, exactly?" She looked at her Clara with an annoyed face.

"I lost them, Miss." Clara replied innocently. And with those words, her parents burst into the shop looking worried,

"Clara! We were worried sick, dear!" her mother hugged her tightly.

"Oi! You boy!" James called Sirius excitedly. "Who are you?" He continued with a large grin on his face, 

"Sirius Black, and you?" Sirius smirked.

"James Potter!" he announced, and they shook hands.

"That boy there is my brother!" Sirius had started a conversation as Mrs. Black strode off. "Regulus! Get over here!" Sirius called his brother,

"What, Sirius?" He asked looking smug.

"This is Clara and James Potter" he said pointing at them. 

Regulus looked at Clara admiring her, "Hi Clara, I'm Regulus Black" he said politely.

"Eww!" James, and Sirius laughed at the same time.

"At least I'm being polite, Sirius. Mother and father taught us manners, start using them." he shot at Sirius. 

"You two first years?" James asked Regulus and Sirius,

"Yes, is she?" Regulus answered pointing at Clara who looked a bit younger than all of them.

"Yes!" She nodded excitedly.

"We must go, goodbye James, and Clara, hope to see you at Hogwarts!" Regulus said and pulled Sirius back to their parents.

Well ya that's it for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it was pretty short☺️...

Each chapter gets better, sorry, it's my first story that I published and I'm realizing many mistakes I'm making and trying to correct them. Feel free to point out anything wrong that I'm doing!

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