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Third Person's POV

Sunghoon stayed with him for the next hours. Just him caressing his hair and Jake calming down to his touch.

He was so focused at Jake when suddenly someone tapped him. He was about to glare at the person when he realize it was the librarian.


"It's already dismissal dear. Time to go home. You wake your boyfriend up and I'm going to close the library already."

'He's not my boyfriend yet. 𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦.'

He was about to shake Jake when he realized what Heeseung told him.

'Don't interact with him yet. If he sees me, he might ask me why am I here. And I might spill everything.'

He looked at the librarian and smiled nervously.

"He uh. He hates to be woken up by me. Could you do it for me ma'am?"

He said as he stood up, getting away from them.

"Alright. Wait. Where are you going?"

"I'll just get my other things ma'am. Tell him to go home already and drink his medicines."

Sunghoon said before walking out. Hiding in the shelves as he watch the librarian wake Jake up.

"Hey... Wake up already dear... It's closing time..."

Jake slowly sat up as he looked around. Flustered to see the librarian beside him.

"Oh. Hi ma'am?"

'Why does he sound so sweet?'

Sunghoon stared at him,in awe. The librarian laughed at Jake.

"Dear. It's dismissal. You better go home now and drink your medicines. Your boyfriend just left. He doesn't want you to wake up."

Jake was preparing to go when he stopped.

"B-boyfriend? Excuse me ma'am? I don't have any?"

The librarian looked at him.

"Really? Then who's the guy who was with you a while ago? He looks at you so fondly. He even told me to wake you up and tell you to go home and drink your medicines already? Gosh. Is that kid a stalker? He's too handsome to be one though."

Jake stared at the librarian as she continued to blabber. Sunghoon held his nape.

'That's embarrassing.'

"Okay? I better go now ma'am. Thank you for waking me up."

Jake said as he stood up, bowing. The librarian waved at him.

"Alright then. Go. Tell your 'boyfriend' he needs to introduce himself properly to you."

Jake just smiled at her and walked out. Sunghoon silently following him.

'Wait. Am I really a stalker? But he's my mate. And I need to know if he got home safe. But he's a human. Won't it be too much to follow him home?'

Running a thousand thoughts, Sunghoon stared at Jake as he went to his ride.

'Don't worry Sunghoon. I'm sure he's going to get home safe.'

He assured himself before walking away. Proceeding to go home.

Just a few more steps before he reach their doorstep, he saw Heeseung, standing in their post. He gulped.

'He knew? Did he asked Sapphire?

-You're caught haha.

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