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Third Person's POV

Arriving at their house, Jake can't help but to wonder.

"Are you an only child?"

"Yep. But I have a so-called older sister. She's in Australia."

"Really? That's cool."

Sunghoon smiled at him as they sat in the living room. He looked around, searching for his parents.

"I thought your parent's home?"

"Yes they are. I think—"

"I told you a while ago clean it already! What if they came earlier huh?!"

"Honey. You've been scolding me since last night. Have patience will you?"

"I can't extend my patience if I know that— oh. Sunghoon and Jake is here!"

His mom suddenly squealed. They've been arguing in the stairs, too occupied to notice the two staring at them. Jake smiled.

'They already knew my name?'

"Hi sweetie! I'm Sunghoon's mom! Mrs. Hyunmin Park!"

Sunghoon's mom spoke as she went to hug Jake. Sunghoon face palmed.

"Seolbin Park. It's nice to finally meet you Jake."

Sunghoon's dad spoke. Jake was about to offer his hand but he received a hug instead. Sunghoon face palmed again.

'They're exaggerating.'

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Park. I'm Jake. Jake Shim."

Jake spoke as he bowed. Sunghoon's mom smiled widely.

"Oh. You're so polite! You can call me Mrs. Hyunmin okay? No need to be too formal~"

Sunghoon looked at her.

'Why do I feel like mom's gonna—'

"Or you can call me mom instead~"

'I knew it.'



"Why did you said that!?!"

"Why not!?!?"

"Let's just go."

Sunghoon said grabbing Jake's hand as they walked out.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Honey. Leave the kids alone. They can manage."

They didn't mind to hear the next parts anymore. Knowing that they'll argue again.

"Where are we going really?"

"Are you up for some movies?"

Jake looked at him. They stopped in a door. Sunghoon opened it, Switching on the light. Revealing a room with a wide television in front.

'They have theater? Cool.'

"Let's watch some movies?"

"So you invited me here just to watch some movies?"

'And cuddle.'

"Yep. Let's go."

Closing the door behind them, Sunghoon went straight to the television as he turned it on.

"Wait. You're ready?"

He looked at Jake. He was already sitting in the center part in front. He turned off the light as he sat beside him. He had expected the atmosphere to change the moment he did, and it really did changed.

"What's the movie?"

Sunghoon looked at him, he stops himself.

Jake beside him is glowing. With the only light coming from the television in front of them, and with him being this close, he can see his facial features very clearly.

'He's beautiful.'


Sunghoon replied. He watched as Jake's expression changed. From excitement to worry.

'What did vampires ever do to you?'

"Oh? Really? Which part?"

"The first one."

Jake went silent. Sunghoon felt him.

'He's getting better. He will be okay. Right?'

They continued to watch the movie, neither didn't want to talk.

Finishing the movie, he looked at Jake. The man wears an unreadable expression in his face.

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