11. Kink

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The vehicle stops. Evelyn looks confused as to why they had stopped in the middle of a main bridge. Reading her expressions Yoongi reaches out from behind to retrieve a black blindfold.

She looks at it and her face plasters with surprise and smirks, "Damn Sir you on that Kinky shit"

He snorts at her remark, "Why do I look like someone who's on the choking and handcuffing shit?"

"Can I be honest?" She whispers and he nods, "You do"

"Do I fuck" He glares and throws her the blindfold, "Put it on" he commands.

"Why?" She questions while feeling the fabric of this black blindfold.

"I told you, I don't trust you, Put it on"

"You don't trust me but you give me a blindfold I have to tie myself?" She raises a brow.

"You're not a baby" He remarks, "Why, you want me to come close and tie it for you" He jokes rhetorically.

"Yes" She replies shamelessly but he turns to look at her to see if she's joking, but she looks dead serious, "Quit staring you'll get a fine if you wait in this spot any longer" She continues closing her eyes and leaning forward to be blindfolded.

"What are you?" He whispers in disbelief while taking the blindfold from her grasp.

He leans forward and carefully places the blindfold on her face, making sure to remove any hairs in her face, He stares at her admiring her facial features.

'You're not as ugly up close' He thinks to himself as he removes the last strands of hair on her face.

Her eyes flickers open and their eyes meet. They stare at each other.

"Can you hurry up" She mumbles and closes her eyes, "My back is hurting because you're taking your time"

He looks away from her and scoffs, but returns to tie the blindfold, "Can you see anything?" He waves in front of her.

"Even if I did I wouldn't tell you" She says, "Hey, Yoongi?"

He hums and turns to look at her.

"Are you looking at me?" She asks

"No why?" He lies but turns to look at the window in front of him.

She proceeds to lean forward to the point her breath can be felt on Yoongi's neck. He is startled but remains put.

"I'm on that chocking shit" She whispers into his ear rather erotically before giggling and slamming her body on the car seat to rest her back.

He doesn't move. He gets Goosebumps at the duality this woman held. How can she just say that and then giggle like a child?

"Weirdo" He states and places his hands on the steering wheel, starting the engine and driving out of the bridge.

He took long routes to the location to avoid anyone tracking him or the female sat beside him somehow memorising the route there, he drove into a rural area a strong scent of horse and grass hitting them although the windows were shut.

"We're here" He says and proceeds to get out of the car.

"We're here" He says again slightly louder but gains no response.

He aggressively knocks on her window from the outside but still no response of the female.

"Look you're not royal you can open the door by yourself" He says annoyed, but the female wouldn't budge.

He eventually opens the door of the car and Evelyn's body tilts sideways out of the car as she had been leaning on the door for support. She shrieks at the feels of her body falling expecting a strong impact with whatever is there. But the pain never came.

"Whaa, yo I've got superpowers" She laughs cheaply.

"No you don't, get up" Yoongi groans and she grabs whatever she can to maintain balance while sitting straight. As she stands Yoongi's bones crack.

"That sounds sick" She smiles, "What was it?" She says reaching for her face to remove the fabric around her eyes. Yoongi reaches for her wrist to stop her.

"Don't take it off" He warns, "How the fuck can you sleep in this situation? A stranger is literally driving you to God knows where"

"Why make yourself sound like a threat Jeez, plus it was a good sleep so shut up" She defends, "Are we here?"

"Yes I said that about 10 times while you were too busy getting some beast sleep" He rolls his eyes, "Come on let's go"

She steps out the car and he closes the door for her, he begins to walk into the forest. But Evelyn stays still.

"Is it just me or is that footsteps?" She says, goose pumps clearly arousing on her skin.

"Well no shit, hurry up" Yoongi says from a distance.

"Wait...You son of a bitch you blindfold me then walk away as if I can see?" She scoffs in pure disbelief.

He chuckles at her and returns to get the vulnerable girl, "Very nice hearing you have there aye"

"They say the blind can hear the tiniest of things" She replies and holds his arm for support as they both walk into the forest.

~End Of Chapter 11~

PS: It's a double update, chapter 12 will be published soon.

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