07. CCTV

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"Hello sir, how can I help you?" The receptionist asks.

"Hello, I am Officer Park, I've been told to retrieve CCTV" Jimin says, showing the receptionist his badge, to which she took to have a closer inspection at the sight of the tattoo on his neck, "I advice you comply, the warrant is over there if anything needs to be discussed" He waves at RM.

"Sure I'll take you" She says returning the badge and directing him and RM towards a room located on the 3rd floor, "May I ask what date?"

"October 29th 2017"

The young man sat in front of multiple screens nods and searches for the date, only to scrunch his eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" RM speaks up noticing the look on the young man's face.

"There's no security footage of that day, there was a virus in the system on the 30th and only 10% of the CCTV were recovered "The young man frowns while turning to look at Jimin who portrays a similar expression.

"Shit" RM mutters under his breath, leaving the office heading towards the room where the assassin's corpse was found.

He arrives in front of one of many white doors and checked the room number; ICU ward 2, before sliding the door open to which he is encountered with an elderly couple.

"Sorry" He whispers before sliding the door once again.

"No footage" RM reports to himself, allowing the other members to be updated through the camouflaged and discreet earpiece, "No sign of cameras near ward 2 just on the entrance of wards 1-5", he continued looking around.

"Right, Me and J-hope are going in" Yoongi reports back.

"Sabrina, the receptionist who attended us earlier clearly suspected me and RM,-"

"I'll distract her while you do you" Jungkook interrupted, his voice lowering at the subject of what he loved most. Women.

J-Hope walks inside the hospital directly heading towards the reception, while Yoongi discreetly walks in, ready to explore to find any sort of evidence.

"May I ask, I heard a strange rumour that a man set himself on fire here?" J-hope asks the young passing by nurse.

"Yea, that happened 2 years ago, when I first joined, quite shocking aye. But he didn't die of the burnings in fact I took his IV's, he was stable and certainly was not going to die due to the burnings." She responds in a British accent, going on with herself, to which J-hope takes advantage of.

"It is, was there anyone suspicious that day? I mean not everyone can handle fluid such as potassium " He asks, taking one of the boxes the nurse is holding, "Manual handling" He winks when she scrunches her eyebrows at his sudden gesture.

"Did I mention his real death?" She asks herself trying to take a look at J-hope's appearance as he walks beside her.

"You did?"

"Well yes, not anyone can handle potassium but they can, just like you did just now," She says sceptically placing the box she was holding on a counter which was labelled 'WARNING: Chemicals handle with care' and taking J-hope's off his arms, "He did die of potassium but silly how they said it was suicide because he, according to the police, injected the element on his right arm But thing is he was left handed you see... actually this is me breaking the rule of confidentiality if you don't mind I've got to stack these up"

'You've told me enough' thought J-hope.

"Yes I apologise, have a nice day."

"Wait, Are you his family member?" She asks.

"Second grade in-laws" J-hop says quickly, causing the nurse to look at his hand for a sign of a wedding ring, "Divorced" he continued.

"Ah, well speaking of which there was a suspicious person here that day, who helped me a similar way you did" She says in a quitter tone, "But I'm not sure she would possibly do that right? She was so sweet and nice."


"It was a female?" J-Hope asks stepping forward.

"I-i mean I think so, she resembled one, we didn't speak. It was my first week and I thought I'd get in trouble for dropping the chemicals so I-i guess I just laughed it off and thanked the person without taking a look at their appearance." She spoke tears swelling up her eyes, J-Hope stepped forward once again to embrace her.

"I've had it in and didn't tell anyone but I felt so guilty, I had nightmares where h-he comes burning I-i-" She sobs and J-hope calms her.

On the other side of the hospital, Yoongi searches for anything related to the case, Looking around, scanning and listening to the newly-found clue which J-Hope had encountered.

"This person has knowledge of this place, they don't appear in any of the cameras" Jimin started his face inches away from the multiple screens, "You think it's a worker here?".

"I doubt it" Jin says back, "Yoongi look at the boards, awards, anything."

"On it" Yoongi proceeds to search for the hospital's board of achievement.

"RM, Jimin, Taehyung and I will proceed to Plan B" Jin spoke over the earpiece followed by rattling sounds of movement.

"You guys got your seatbelt on?" Jin asked the 3 Males who were in the car, to which they hummed in response. They drive to the location given my RM, and arrive at a 2 story bungalow.

Jin got out of the car and heads towards the house, knocking gently on the door. After several knocks Jin encounters a shirtless Man with a beer belly, holding a bottle of budweiser.

"What do you want?" He asks arrogantly, eyeing Jin up and down before taking a sip from his drink.

"Do you by any chance know Mr Hayden Simson?"

"W-who asks?" He stutters, gaining a smirk from Jin.

"Well, the case was closed after a week of investigation, concluding that the patient died of suicide" Jin says, peeking into the man's house.

'Dirty, unorganised, litter and bottles on the floor, broken toys on the sofa, and a suitcase. He ran out of money' Thought Jin.

"Do you know anything regarding this case, Mr Hemmings?" Jin continues looking directly into the eyes of the man, who was in charge of the case of the assassin.

"No I don't" He raises his voice, steps back and attempts to shut the door, to which maintains open by Jin's fine polished black shoes.

"Let me re-phrase that question," Jin leans on the door frame "Was this case closed, but unsolved? Yes or No"

"Who are you?" The man asks, sweat clearly forming on his forehead.

"That was not my question"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"I'm afraid, you do and you have to speak up sooner or later, for the sake of you...And your family" Jin turns around and signalises, Jimin and Taehyung emerge from the shadow created by a tall tree, Holding a tool box.

"Let's get to work" Jimin smirks.

Yoongi walks towards the hospital boards, tracing his fingers on faces, dates and titles.

"1997 Mayor certificates...1999 New chairman... 2000 9 lives saved by the Knights..." Yoongi whispers as he reads, "By knights?" He asks himself aloud.

"Impressive right? The couple donated their organs and saved 9 lives. The orphans came up with the title back in the days, 'Saved by the Knight Family' " A male spoke, startling Yoongi in the process.

"I see" He smiles and the doctor leaves after being called for assisstance.

'Knight...' Yoongi wonders, 'Where have I heard that surname before'

Yoongi turns to the board once again and sees a child holding a certificate, a girl. Yoongi places his finger on the board looking closely unto the picture behind the plastic covering.

"Holy Shit...Evelyn, Evelyn Knight"

~ End of Chapter 7~

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