03. Assistant

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~present time,home,08:00,June 15 2020~

The bright sun rays pours through the cracks on the blinds and awaits entrance into Yoongi's eyes. Sight still in the clutches of the night's , he hesitantly rubs the dreams away. Thoughts of the visions in sleep come and go in waves, clinging on to the very last memory of the night but with little success. He slowly sits up and with the movement of one leg the tell-tale clink of wine bottles are heard. His stomach lurches and gurgles as he reached for the open water bottle sitting on his drawer  and the painkiller which lays beside it. Once on his feet the room sways almost causing him to loose balance and he reaches out for the wall. His hand slips along the high sheen paint and he sprawls onto the carpet with a crashing thump. The buzzer of his phone went off like an annoyed rattlesnake as he reaches for it and picks up.

"Hello?" He says almost lazily.

"Ahh good grief Yoongi at last, so thought about my offer from last night?" The voice is alarming and cheerful, Yoongi blocks his ear in annoyance.

"What offer?" He asks confused.

"To solve the case once and for all. Everyone knows you're the only one capable of such a thing with that amazing brain of yours. We need you and you've had plenty of weeks to think it through" The man says on the other line almost trying to persuade.

"...Yes, whatever, but don't expect too much Lee" Yoongi replies hesitantly and squeezes his eyes in the process.

"OH! forgot to mention, We arranged a assistant besides the team for you. They are of high quality and they're more of a sidekick but this is not a case like in a Superman movie, this is reality so..." The person says in a hurry.

"An assistant...You know I prefer to do my work with my team or independent-"

" I mean at this point we need all the help we can get so one more person won't kill" The voice interrupted, each word said more eagerly.

"No I will not work with anyone else" Yoongi refuses.

"Too bad you've already agreed" The person exclaims satisfied.

"Well what proof do you have that I agreed?" Yoongi says getting up from his previously awkward position on the carpet.

"Can you send someone to take my things to th-...Hello?" Yoongi asks, as the person in the other line suddenly hangs up.

"You're call has ended please be aware that you're call has been recorded. To find out why police calls are recorded please press 1.To read our terms and conditions please pres-"Yoongi chuckles at the female voice's response.

"Oh you silly old man" He says to himself a smile plastered on his face.

Yoongi looks at his phone and  and runs his fingers along the edges of the phone, ... lingering in his head. He had never thought about it, since he was always so focused on work that such a thought was never in his mind.

An assistant.

~Office,10:30,June 28 2020~

"Good morning" Greets Mrs Greenhouse a woman in her late 50s , her eyes are not focused but move randomly, white, obscured with cataracts so completely that no-one cannot tell her eye colour.

"Morning" Yoongi murmurs back at her.

He walks steadily into an elevator and presses the button which is labeled "Upper Class" he did not like being segregated from the other workers position wise, so he thought of it as a quieter and more peaceful place he is not the best, but he was awarded this place two years ago for solving a very particular complicated crime.

The elevator opens directly into his private office, a huge room occupying the corner of the building with floor-to-ceiling windows giving views in two directions: Other tall and expensive offices and the Central Park just a few blocks north. The two remaining walls contained a door, a low bookshelf, and a single oil painting - a vase of flowers by Vincent van Gogh.
The black glass surface of his desk was equally empty: a computer, a leather notebook and a few pens.

He sits down in his black leather chair and places his hands and his head on the desk running his fingers along the edges as if he was recalling all the memories he had gained. A knock is heard, which echoes across the office.

"Come in" Yoongi confirms, fixing his clothes and gaining back his posture.

A young tall man walks in. He has  tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep creamy brown. His face was strong and defined, his features moulded from granite. His grey suit had a name tag and it had kim Taehyung written in bold letters. He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. "Very happy to see you Sir" His smile was one of happiness growing, much like an opening spring flower. His lips lifts upward, His one dimple crinkles His teeth and are perfectly aligned. His smile is a ray of sunshine.

"Don't. Get to the point" Yoongi warns.

"So ready to meet your assistant?" Taehyung asks handing Yoongi some papers.

"Is that a Rhetorical question?"Yoongi sighs collecting the papers and directly staring at them.

"Come in" Taehyung says sweetly ignoring Yoongi's statement.

The assistant by the name of Evelyn walks in, she is the kind of girl that women loved to hate. She is an adult, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. She has that movie star look, not overly tall and willowy, like a romantic movie star but more like an action movie star. Her muscle definition is perfect and she walks with the confidence of someone a decade older. She isn't just flawless in her bone structure, her skin is like silk over glass and she radiates an intelligent beauty.

"Good Morning Mr Min Yoongi , I'm Evelyn, Evelyn Knight I will be your assistant from now on"

~End of Chapter 3~

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