15. Details

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"Who are you people?" Ruby Wilson asks, her gun still directed at Jimin's head.

"Put the gun down" Jungkook mutters from behind Ruby as he points his own gun at Her.

Jimin on the contrary is grunting as he struggles to keep hold of the random unconscious Girl in his arms.

"That wasn't my questi-"

"Put the fucking gun down" He raises his voice, "Chica"

"MADRE MIA" Evelyn screams, horror displays in her face at the sight of guns and a girl sprawled on the Jimin's arms, the scream startles Ruby who begins to look around for ways to escape. But is only met by another Black SUV.

"Shit" Is Ruby's last words before her vision is blocked by a bag over her head. A syringe is injected into her thigh which gave her a state of Euphoria before passing out.


Ruby, who is now tied and drugged, groans as she gain consciousness, her body numb and the pain in her head is unbearable, she struggles to open her eyes. But when she briefly attempts she realises

Her surrounding are familiar...too familiar.

"What the..." She starts, her head still spinning from the drug which prevents her to have a clear vision.

Ruby hears someone choking and slowly turns to look at the body who has just expressed signs of life.

It's the girl who had screamed 'MADRE MIA'

Upon seeing the tied female beside her with blood, Ruby looks down at her own self to check any signs of blood. None.

She hears voices and hangs her head low, pretending to be unconscious - typical survival tip.

The voices stop when the girl beside her starts coughing hysterically once again. Ruby feels people moving and remains in her position.

"Miss Wilson you can open you eyes, we know you're awake" RM alerts as he sits on the table in front of her but Ruby keeps her act.

"It's on cams" He continues and she lifts her head knowing she has been busted in the act, "I was messing, cosy house you have though"

That's why is was familiar. She thought as she looks around her house.

"Look, how did you eve-" She begins, but stops at the realisation she was drugged and her keys were in a place any normal human would have kept them. Pockets.

RM chuckles as he sees her face coming to realisation.

"What do you people want?" She tries to say calmly, resting her back on the chair to look at RM directly in the eye.

RM holds up a picture in front of Ruby.

"What about it?" She asks rolling her eyes.

"Why did you kill him?" RM sighs.

"Do I owe you an explanation I don't recall of?" She chuckles.

"Quit the bullshit," RM smiles, "Let's finish this quickly, so elaborate. Why did you kill your husband?"

Ruby sighs. She displays no signs of regret but her eyes hold evident pain. 

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