09. External Door

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Yoongi and Evelyn pull up at the hospital's parking lot, and Evelyn looks around recalling the memories she had created in this place.

They both step out the car and head for the entrance, apon their way to the entrance they come across an old  lady who gasps in shock.

"E-Evelyn?" The senior approaches, "You've grown so much, what a beautiful young lady you turned out to be, your parents would've been so proud of you"

Before Evelyn has the chance to speak she's pulled into an embrace by the shorter lady who's filled with strands of grey hair and wrinkles painted on her face.

"M-mother Amelia?" Evelyn says rather awkwardly as she tries to escape the hug.

"Yes darling, your voice is still as sweet as honey, God have you such beauty my blessed child," she sweetly smiles only to create an awkward atmosphere as Evelyn is not the greatest at taking compliments and Yoongi is stiffly stood there watching the scene unfold, noticing this Mother Amelia proceeds to ask, "What brings you here child?"

"I'm here to look for something" Evelyn plasters a convincing smile a smile that screamed 'please let me go, please don't say I can help, I'm fine I know what I'm doing'

"Oh well I can help you look for anything, what is it you look for dear?" Mother Amelia offers and Evelyn accidentally sighs, she is starting to get annoyed but she didn't want to come across as rude either.

"It's fine, we have to go now...it's pretty urgent" Evelyn smiles - this time it was an evident fake smile. She grabs Yoongi's elbow and attempts to walk away. But the nun refused, insisting Evelyn would come back for a cup of tea some day.

"Sure I will, but we really need to hurry" Evelyn says and pulls Yoongi away from the lady and they wave her goodbye for a split second before walking into the hospital.

"Here put this on" Yoongi says and throws a mask on Evelyn, to which her reflexes manages to catch.

"Thanks" She mumbles and places it on, "so you guys found no CCTV of the corridor?"

"Yea, ICU ward 1-4"

"Did you check the entrance?" She looks around looking for anywhere the killer may have entered the
Hospital unnoticed.

"Yes, nothing suspicious" Yoongi reports, and she nods.

Evelyn stops in her traces.

"What" Yoongi asks confused.

"I think I know" She mutters and begins to walk, he sceptically  follows her from behind.

"If I'm correct there's an external door from the kitchen which directly leads to a staircase and if it was there..." She speaks but stops once they arrive at the door, she points at the camera above the door and smirks, "She would've been caught by that camera"

Yoongi's gaze falls on the camera and he chuckles, "You're good"

"I know" She says which causes Yoongi to eye roll.

They head for the security room.

"Where is your police badge...and your warrant?" The same young man asks as he sipped on his drink.

"Please, it will be provided, it's part of the investigation with the people from earlier" Yoongi explains slightly irritated.

"Sorry but it's illegal, no warrant no CCTV"

Yoongi slams his wrist on the desk startling the young man and Evelyn who looked at him in shock, "I need that ducking tape now" Yoongi hissed in a threatening tone which sent thrills down their spine.

"I c-can't-"

"Rico it's me" Evelyn says, removing her mask. He scrunches his eyebrows still confused, she takes off her hair tie and he gasps.

"E-Evelyn?" He says in disbelief. She smiles and orders Yoongi left the room to calm down.

"You don't tell me what to do" Yoongi glares.

"I do whatever the fuck I want. You want this solved or not? Because This temper of yours won't get us far." She glares back and if only they could kill. He leaves muttering insults.

After conversing with the young boy, named Rico. Yoongi is let back into the room.

"Blown some steam?" She smirks.

"Don't annoy me" He warns sternly, "what did he say?"

"He'll show it us" She says and points to the screen, "October 19th 2017, 12:04 pm the suspect enters via external door, CCTV catches her on cams from the moment she is outside but stops once she gets to the second floor."

"It's actually a girl?" He wonders.

"Why? Can't females commit crimes too?" She scoffs as if she was offended.

"Wait go back" He says quickly, and Rico complies, "Zoom in here" Yoongi points at the screen, "Can you make the pixels clearer?"


The face is revealed.

"Where have I seen this face before...?" Yoongi thinks holding the bridge of his nose, he looks around finding anything that could spark the memory.

He looks at Evelyn, and his eyes widen.

He quickly retrieves his phone from his pocket.

"Why, what is i-"

"SHUSH" He interrupts her as he types on his phone, punching words furiously.

He stops - he waits for the response.

"Yo Suga what's the need for the suspense just say it" Evelyn insists impatiently.

His phone pings. And All 3 look at the phone curiously.

He picks up the phone cautiously and he smirks.

"WHAT IS I-l" her words are cut off by the screen Yoongi had placed in front of her.

"We found the suspect" He chuckles, "His wife...Ruby Wilson"

20 mins before encounter with Mother Amelia

"Can I ask you a question?" Yoongi asks.


"Why an assistant?" He wondered, looking straight at her


"Why an assistant of all things? You grew up with doctors so why are an assistant?" His gaze became piercing and intimidating.

She shifts in her seat uncomfortably, "Well... I don't want to pity people like all my life I've been, I know how it feels. It's not the best feeling"

He nods understandably. She still didn't answer his question. He didn't want it getting deep anyway.

~End of chapter 9~

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