Chapter 39

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Everyone left besides, me, Nadine, Romulus, and Ulrich. Raven was still gasping for air. Sweat beaded down her forehead.

"Did you run all the way here?" Romulus asked.

"The sun is out and I didn't want to waste the magic I had." She said, inhaling deep breaths. She slammed down the thick book and flipped to a page towards the back. The pages were dusty and crisp.

"I found this I think we can bring him back. It's going to take all night, but there's a chance it might work."

I looked up at Romulus. There was no hesitation with trying to save him.

"Let's do it. Hurry." Said Romulus. Ulrich left them to work. I hovered around them.

"What's the spell?" He asked, studying the book.

"It's a potion. Strong enough to wake anyone from any sleep hex."

"What do we need?" Nadine asked.

"Most of the stuff I have here. But there's one ingredient missing. I don't know if we can get it." Said Raven.

"What's that?" I asked.

"We need a hair. A hair from someone Bayne loves." She paused.

"But Bayne doesn't love anybody. Finn, his parents, they're all dead. I don't know if there's anyone left." She examined.

"Use Erin's." Nadine spoke up. Her words attacked me like knives.

"What?" I gasped.

"Use Erin's hair." She repeated.

"Bayne doesn't love me. He made that clear." I said, crossing my arms.

"I don't think that's true. I think he does." Nadine argued.

"I agree. We should use Erin's. It's our best shot to waking him up." Romulus spoke up, peeling his eyes away from the book.

"You guys! He said he didn't like me. He said he kissed me because he felt bad for me. That's not love. He doesn't love me. He never has."

"I don't believe that's true." Said Nadine.

"We need to try. This is our last chance to try to save him. Will you let us use your hair?" Romulus studied me.

I agreed. Raven plucked a single piece  of my brown hair off my head. The brewing of the potion began. Lucky for us, it was a cloudy night. This allowed them to work hard throughout the night. Nadine and I watched them work, and offered them any help that we could.

"I hope this works." I said, studying Romulus who was brewing up the potion.

"I think it will. I'm confident in his feelings for you." Nadine said, sitting next to me by the window.

She looked at the clock. It was eight minutes past midnight.

"Happy birthday, Erin."  She held my hand to comfort me.

I couldn't take my eyes off Bayne. If he wakes up, he does care for me. He does get to live, I thought. This was our final chance to save him. If it didn't, he would be dead by tomorrow.

It was snowing hard outside, and snowed all the way into morning. I found myself dozing off by the window.

Nadine woke me up. It was a bit past sunrise.

"It's done! It's done!" Raven cheered. She held a vile in her hand. It was a soft orange liquid inside a small tube. Its appearance reminded me of orange flavored soda.

"Last ingredient." She took the small piece of my hair and dropped it into the vile. It appeared to dissolve before making a sizzling sound. She handed the potion to Romulus.

He looked back at me. I got on my feet and gave him a small nod. I was filled with anxious anticipation. Please wake up, I thought. Please. I'd do anything for the tips of his fingers to move or his eyes to open.

Romulus tilted the vile into his mouth, pouring all the orange liquid down his throat. After emptying the bottle into him, he put it down. He touched Bayne's shoulder and shook it gently.

"Bayne? Can you hear us? Are you with me? Bayne?" His voice started out soft.

Bayne didn't move. He remained broken porcelain.

I saw everyone's excitement fade. Romulus shook him again, a little harder this time.

"Bayne? Hello? Can you hear me?" He called out.

There was still no movement or response. He was gone. We all knew it.

"BAYNE! WAKE UP!" Romulus shook him harder and harder. I had never heard Romulus raise his voice so high before.

I stopped him with a touch to his shoulder.

"Romulus. It's okay. He's gone." I pulled his arm away from Bayne. He was hurting too. I thought I had almost seen tears fall from his eyes.

"His mom died on me too. The only people who came to me that I couldn't save. I can't believe this." He turned away from Bayne's stiff body.

I knew in my heart that Romulus did everything he could. I didn't have any resentment towards him. He was a terrific healer. I didn't want him to carry this grief with him. He didn't deserve it.

I knew my love couldn't save Bayne, more so, his love for me. It didn't exist.

"I'm sorry, you guys." Raven's eyes began to fill. Her and Romulus hugged each other, both a comfort to another. Nadine reached to pull me in for a hug. We all shared our somber, sad moment in silence.

Suddenly, Bayne gasped for air.

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