Guilt Tripping

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It was yet another beautiful day on Bygone Island. And of course, you loved enjoying it the way you enjoy every other day: hanging out and having fun with your friends, as well as your lover, Sonic. You, Sonic and Tails were going hoverboard racing on a jungle obstacle course. Kind of like the obstacle course you went on when you first showed up. Thinking about that day brought a huge smile to your face, as that was the beginning of the best life you could ever ask for.

The 3 of you were neck-and-neck, but Sonic being...well Sonic, sped up and took the lead, riding his board through a loop-de-loop. "You may be faster on foot, but I invented these things." Tails declared, as he maneuvered his way through the course, taking the lead. One key difference between then and now, is that you've been practicing with the hoverboards. You looked through your surroundings, and with swift, agile movements, you cut through the course, and passed the blue hedgehog, making you second to Tails. Despite this, Sonic wasn't phased. "Not bad, Tails. And I can see you've been practicing, babe. Now it's my turn." he said.

In a swift movement, you looked up as Sonic did a barrel roll, darting ahead above you and Tails, taking the lead. He looked behind with a cocky grin, but you knew that he made a bad move. "Most impressive, Sonic. But you should've paid attention." you said, as you pointed in front of him. He looked back to see a large tree branch on the course, but it was too late. The branch slammed into his stomach, and the speed from the board caused him to spin around. Then, like a pinball, he crashed into one tree, then the next, before falling on the nearby ground, facefirst.

He got back up, as you and Tails stopped next to him. "Wow. That was the coolest thing I've ever seen." Tails said with excitement. "Really?" Sonic asked, not expecting to be complimented for looking like a goofball in that moment. "You look cool even when you're making a complete fool of yourself." he said. You nodded at the two-tailed fox, before turning to your blue boyfriend. "That's true. But maybe you should look where you're going next time." you told him. He blushed with an embarrassed chuckle, before turning to pick up his board.

Just as Sonic was about to pick it up, you all heard the sound of someone talking nearby. "Alright, load 'em up." someone said. "Hurry up, and nobody gets hurt." You noticed that it was a bunch of gangsters stealing from a small village. And the poor, defenseless villagers did nothing to fight back. "Whoa, we gotta stop those jerks." Sonic said. As cocky as he may be, he'll always be the hero. "You said it." you replied, as you drew your daggers, prepared to fight. But as Sonic and Tails, rushed off, you noticed something you didn't notice earlier. The villagers were gogobas. Usually, you didn't know much about the locals on this island unless Sonic and the others told you, but you remember how just a couple of days ago, during the "Egg Pals" situation, Sonic was watching a show which featured these creatures. 'Oh no. They're those people that make you do what you want through guilt.' you thought. Surely, this won't end well. But Sonic and Tails had already rushed off, so you couldn't really stop it. "Hey, guys! Wait up." you said, rushing to the scene on your board.

Sonic was first to show up. "What's going on here?" Sonic said, as you and Tails followed behind him. The Chief Gogoba spoke up. "Oh, these delightful young men were just ransacking our poor village, and taking all our possessions." "They probably need them more than we do, being bandits living on the lam and all." a female gogoba added. "Yeah, so back off, blue guy. This is what we do." one of the bandits snapped at Sonic. Your face turned into a scowl, clenching the blades in your hands. "Oh yeah, well this is what WE do." Sonic said, as he went into a spin dash, knocking over the bandits. You throw a vine at Sonic, who uses it to tie them up. Tails pulls another vine to tie it with the one that already restrained the bandits. "This isn't over." one of the bandits said. Suddenly, the vine Tails attatched threw the gang into the air like a slingshot as the bandit said, "I spoke too sooooooon." as he and the others vanished over the horizon.

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