How to Succeed in Evil Without Really Trying

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'Oh, hey guys. Sonic here. That's right. I'm breaking the fourth wall. (whispers) But don't tell (Y/N) about this, she has no idea. Anyways, our story together has been talked about for several chapters, but I bet some of you are just itching to hear about the quirky adventures that she had with other friends. So here's a story for you. It was 9:00 this morning, and Sticks was picking beige berries for a pie festival...'

"No one at the pie festival will guess that beige berries are my secret ingredient." Sticks said with an enthusiastic grin. But of course, it wouldn't be Sticks the Badger if there wasn't a hint of paranoia. "Unless one of these trees is a spy in disguise." she followed up, her smile turning to irritation. She turns to another tree in the orchard. "I'm onto you, tree. You'll never get the recipe. NEVER!" she yelled.

Immediately afterwards, she had company. The coolest bud a hedgehog could ever ask for, Tails; and the most awesome girlfriend a hedgehog could ever ask for, (Y/N); arrived in Tails new hovercraft, the Tailsmobile. "Hey, Sticks. How's tricks?" Tails asked. "I see you're making beige berry pie." (Y/N) added. Realizing she probably wasn't that slick, she tried to hide it. "I don't know what they're talking about. I'm taking you to live on a farm." she said to her berries, before turning attention back to the two. "Now if you will excuse me, I have a few trees left to pick." she said before leaving.

"Sounds like she could use some help. Let's head back to my lab." Tails said to (Y/N), to which she agreed. The two went back to Tails' workshop, where the two started work on a gizmo to help Sticks with her harvest. Upon finishing welding, Tails started singing to himself as he was checking every part was in check. (Y/N) let out a chuckle at his little jingle. She then pushed the button on the battery, only to find it didn't have much juice in it. "Hmm. Looks like it needs more power." (Y/N) said. "Lotta trees means lotta v's." Tails added, which (N/N) just smirked at.

Tails and (Y/N) looked for other solutions. None of them seemed to work. But guess who just happened to be playing volleyball by himself outside? That's right, yours truly. At the time, when I finally saw the gizmo in person, I was unsure about the idea. "Are you sure about this, guys? You know how Sticks is about machines." I told them as I was sitting on the exercise bike they had connected to the battery. Looking towards (Y/N), she was staring at the machine, seemingly thinking the same thing. Y'know, as boyfriends and girlfriends do. But Tails was pretty confident about what he was building. "But this thing is running on natural energy: yours. It's better than going green. It's going blue." he said. Tails knows what he's doing most of the time, so I kinda rolled with it after that. "Say when." I said, as I started riding on the bike. It seemed as if I went a little too fast, as a few seconds later, the battery exploded. Tails was all dirtied up and disoriented, while (Y/N) was knocked over in similar shape. Thankfully, they weren't too banged up "When." they both said.

Afterwards, the two cleaned up and the gizmo was finally finished. Sadly, it didn't go well. Sticks was charged towards by a massive shredding machine. When Tails noticed the destruction that the machine was causing, he started to realize that he may have messed up as a furious Sticks grabbed him by the arm, and pulled him to her. "Your machine destroyed the orchard." she said. Tails chose not to see the glass half empty. "Could be worse. At least you still have the berries." Tails said. Sadly, he was jinxed as the grinder was grinding the berries into jelly. (Y/N) turned to Tails, "You had to say it." both (Y/N) and Sticks told the two-tailed fox at the same time.

Around that time me, Knuckles and Amy arrived to see what was going on. "What happened here?" Amy asked. Now don't get me wrong, I get that this moment sucks for Tails, but when a good pun comes a-knockin', even I can't resist the urge. "Looks like Tails got himself into a 'jam.' Ha. Get it." I said, raising my hand. "Not at all." Knux said, before answering the high five. "But I never leave a hog hangin'." Just like Tails, Amy wanted to show a more positive outlook. "At least one tree is still standing." she told her friend. But even that hope was for naught, as it turned out it was some dude in a tree costume who ran off.

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