Aim Low

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The saga of Eggman's depression started on a day just like any others. You and the gang were engaged in a battle with the doctor and his dangerous badniks. This time, Eggman had a new toy to play with: the Scorpion-bot. However, even it was no match for Sonic's spin attacks. Despite this, Eggman remained pretty confident.

"You may have destroyed my Scorpion-bot, but I've got one more trick up my sleeve." Eggman declared, pressing a button on his wrist-device, causing a large satellite dish to emerge from the trees. He started the device up, and it was slowly powering up. "Just give it a sec. It needs to warm up." he clarified. But of course, the team wasn't exactly curious as to what was about to happen, so just a few seconds before being ready, Sonic blew it up with a spin dash."Still waiting on that trick." Sonic quipped to Eggman, whose mouth was agape at what he had just seen. Clearly, it was Eggman's only backup plan as the doctor just gave up, sadly walking back to his Eggmobile and flying away.

"Is it just me or has Eggman not been bringing his A-game lately?" Sonic asked. "It is definitely not you. Kinda makes you almost feel bad for the guy." you pitched in. Of course, needing to say something, Knuckles then spoke up. "Maybe our A-game makes his A-game look like a Z-game. That's much worse if you understand the alphabet. Is it?" Hearing that, made all of you facepalm. "It kinda feels like Eggman's just going through the motions." Tails said. 

Even if he fails a lot, you've never seen the doctor in such a poor mental state. You decided it might help him if you talked to him a little bit. "Hey, Sonic. You and the others go and do your own thing. I just realized...I got to do a quick errand." you told your blue boyfriend. Sonic seemed a bit curious, but it wasn't unusual of you to go walking around on your own. So he just shrugged it off and wished you well.

(At Eggman's base)

After quite a distance of walking, you had arrived at Eggman's base. You felt that he might need a little cheering up so you brought some stuff you made. You knocked on the door, and was greeted by Orbot. "Oh, (Y/N). What a pleasant surprise. How can I help you?" he asked. "Is Eggman here? He didn't seem to be doing well today, so I thought he might need some cheering up." you answered. "Oh. Of course he's here. Right this way please." Orbot said, and you followed him inside.

The sliding doors opened to Eggman's living room where Eggman was trying to watch TV, but his remote wasn't working. "Another fine piece of Eggman technology." he said miserably. "Eggman?" you asked. He quickly noticed you and fixed his posture in your presence. "(Y/N). Hello there. What are you doing here?" he responded. "I just couldn't help but notice that you were feeling a little bit down today, so I thought you needed a little cheering up." you answered, "so I brought some donuts and coffee. My own recipes." You placed the box and cups down and sat down next to him. The two of you started to indulge in the snacks you made. "(Y/N). You are a true angel, caring about everyone, even if they are constantly battling with you." Eggman said, as he took a bite out of one of the donuts and sipped the cup. "And a culinary artist." he added, which gave you a small grin. 

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" you asked. He looked at you. "What do you mean?" he asked, clearly in denial. "You just haven't been in your best of spirits recently. Something's going on, so what is it?" you asked him. "Ummm, well I guess I work bigger and bolder schemes but they just don't seem to do anything." he said. "Well, I believe in you. The Eggman I know would never be depressed about losing. He might be a bit disappointed. But I can always count on him to show up next week with a new plan, recharged and ready to fight." you said, trying to encourage him. And it looked like it was working. "You're absolutely right, (Y/N). I promise you, next time we battle, my new evil scheme will knock your socks off." he said, standing up with a bit more motivation. "That's the spirit. See you next week then?" you asked him. "You bet. I won't let you down." Eggman said. You left his base, happy knowing you helped him get his confidence back.

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