Fortress of Squalitude

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The light of the rising sun shone brightly on the beach side shack of Sonic the Hedgehog. The light flowed through the doorway onto the hammock in the house, where you and the blue hero were sleeping soundly. Sonic was holding you tightly in his harm, and a smile was spread across his face. Ever since the two of you confessed your love for each other the night before, Sonic had been so happy. His heart pounded inside his chest, and held a rock solid desire to hold his lover tightly in his arms, never wanting to let any harm come to you. 

As for you, you were not so enthusiastic. You didn't love Sonic less than he loved you; on the contrary. You loved Sonic, and you were glad to say it. But you were afraid of the disapproval of one person. Amy Rose. The two of you had bonded really well and have become close friends, but you also had suspicions of the pink hedgehog's own feelings towards Sonic. You didn't want to ruin your friendship, and you didn't want to keep your relationship a secret. The only way to get this anxiety off your back was to smooth things over with Amy and Sonic. Just the three of you, in private conversation.

The light landed on Sonic's eyelids, and he started to wake up. A yawn escaped him, and he stretched his arms and legs ready to start another day. The sudden movement caused you to wake up as well. "Good morning, (Y/N)." Sonic said softly, his expression bearing a sweet smile. You smiled back and replied, "Good morning, Sonic." Sonic leaned in and gave you a smooch on the cheek. You blushed at his little gesture. "You're very sweet, Sonic. Just remember to not do that in" you said. His smile faded. He didn't want to keep the romance a secret; he wanted to scream out his love for you on top of a mountain. "But why?" he whined, albeit in a cute way. You playfully rolled your eyes. "I told you last night. I didn't want to let out the news that we're dating until we do one thing. And hopefully, we'll be able to do so by the end of the day." you answered. His smile returned. He was happy to hear that at least he won't have to keep the love a secret for long.

With that brief dialogue, the two of you went through your usual routine: get dressed in your daily attire (A/N: I never specified as to what kind of attire the reader wears because I thought the reader could basically wear whatever the reader wants, depending on the situation. And of course, Sonic's attire is obvious: red shoes, scarf, blah blah blah.), as well as enjoying a nice, delicious breakfast.

As soon as the two of you finished breakfast, Sonic's communicator buzzed. The two of you looked at it, and saw that Amy was calling. Sonic tapped on the communicator and the pink hedgehog's voice was heard. "Hi, Sonic." she said, her voice noticeably filled with glee. "Hey, Amy." he replied. "What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you mind we had a party at your place?" His ears perked with that idea. You also heard that, and of course, you too were interested. "A party sounds nice. But what's the special occasion?" Sonic asked. "Why not?" she answered Sonic's question with a question of her own. "Is (Y/N) there?" You walked up next to Sonic so Amy could hear you better. "Yeah, I'm here. Why?" you asked. "Oh, hi (Y/N). I was wondering if you could help with setting up?" Amy answered. A little party setup didn't sound so bad. 'Why not?' you thought to yourself. "Alright, I'm in. When do we get started?" There was a pause between your statement, and her reply. "Does 3:00 sound good?" she asked. You and Sonic looked at each other and nodded. "Sure. 3:00's good." Sonic said. "Alright, see you later guys." she said. "Bye, Amy." you both said, and the call ended.

*several hours later*

Amy and the others arrived to set things up. Each person was given their specific tasks. You were assigned to bake the cake, because it can't be a party without cake. Besides, who doesn't like cake. Amy had a clipboard checking the progress being made. "My summer-themed seat cushions with floral upholstery that complements each guest's natural coloring are ready." she said. "The ice sculpture has melted just enough to hide the carving marks..." Immediately afterwards, Sticks, who was holding a shovel interrupted her. "And I dug a trench around the picnic table and filled it with broken glass." she said. She looked at her work. You couldn't help but stare at her, completely perplexed as to why she would do that. 'Good thing we're wearing shoes.' you thought.

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