The Meteor

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A couple of weeks after the whole luck fiasco, you and the gang were chilling by the beach, having a campfire and roasting marshmallows. Tails was sitting by a rock, causing the group to turn to him. "Tails, what are you doing?" Amy asked. "Just enjoying this beautiful meteor shower." he said. Sure enough, as soon as you all turned to the heavens, a vast array of multi-colored meteors streak across the sky. 'It's weird how there are so many meteor showers around you.' you randomly think to yourself.

"That one's flying beautifully toward us." Knuckles said, pointing to a purple asteroid which stood out from the rest of them. You watched as it flew past and crashed into a mountain a distance away from the beach. "This could be a major find. We need to approach it cautiously with great care..." But before Tails could finish, Sonic was already up and at 'em, scooping you into his arms, as he tends to do. "Race ya." he said before dashing to the top of the mountain. 

He put you down, and the two of you looked to see what looked like a purple gem of some kind at the bottom of the crater. "I guess we can rule out the possibility of it being a ship containing the last known survivor of a distant world with superhuman abilities." you said jokingly, to which Sonic answered. "You've seen that movie way too many times." Sonic said, which caused you to laugh.

The others arrived shortly after. "Ha! First." Sonic said. "Think again, Sonic and (Y/N)." a familiar voice behind pitched in. The two of you turned around to see Eggman in his Eggmobile, accompanied by his henchbots. "Eggman?" Sonic said, surprised. "That's right. And as the intrepid explorer who discovered this regal rock, I hereby call dibs." Eggman answered.

You hold in your laughter, but Eggman noticed. "What's so funny?" he asked. "You're a 40-or-something-year-old man and you still call dibs?" you asked, starting to laugh more obviously. "Besides, you can't call dibs." Sonic said. Eggman was shocked to see this. "Oh, so now you don't respect dibs? What's next? You gonna allow cutsies? Flout the five-second rule? Step on a crack with no regard for your mother's spinal column?" Eggman asked, pretty much mentioning every childish gimmick there is. "That's not how the saying goes, Eggy." you said.

"Not cool, Sonic." Knuckles said. "Of course I respect dibs. But you can only call dibs if you're touching the thing you desire to dib." Sonic was quick to answer. "Oh, Sonic. Immature as always. Not that I mind. In fact, that's what makes you so cute." you teased your boyfriend, causing him to mildly blush. "Stop it." he quietly said under his teeth, but quiet enough for just you to hear.

"Oh. Well, in that case..." Eggman quickly dove down into the crater, before jumping off his Eggmobile and running to the gem. Sonic wasn't going to let his arch-nemesis beat him to it, so he quickly spin-dashes into action. What happens next was so fast, you weren't sure what happened. But you were pretty sure you remembered seeing the two touch the rock at the exact same time, before there was a massive flash of light. When the dust settled, you saw both of them laying on the ground, blown away by a shockwave. Your friends quickly rushed down to grab Sonic, while Eggman's robots struggled to carry their master back to his hovercraft.

You and the gang decided that was enough excitement for one night, and you all went home except for Tails, who stayed behind to study the gem. You carried Sonic back to the shack and gently placed him in his hammock before you climbed in next to him. The night passed, and the rising sun ushered in a new day. The glimmering light woke you up and Sonic was soon to follow. While you were quick to get dressed and ready for the day, Sonic was still feeling pretty groggy, you assumed probably from the whole thing with the gem last night. "W-Where am I?" he asked.

"You okay, Sonic?" you asked, walking up to him. Upon seeing you, Sonic freaked out and fell out of the hammock, which confused you. "Sonic? What's wrong?" He suddenly looked at his hands like he was transformed or something like that. "(Y/N)? Where am I? What's going on?" he asked. "Oh. Well, after your little thing with Eggman, the two of you passed out, so I carried you back home." you said. 

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