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Everything was seemingly going well in Bygone Island. That was until an evil fireman robot went running lose wreaking havoc on the village. You and Sonic were the first ones on the scene, avoiding its flamethrower and trying your best to take it down. "Dr. Eggman's evil-fireman robot is running loose." Sonic yelled. "Way to go, Eggman. You made me miss my spa treatment." you complained. Eggman sits in a chair, just pretending to be all innocent, reading a magazine. "Why does everyone assume every evil robot is mine?" he asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Experience?" Sonic said, after spin-dashing into the robot. But the bot was far from finished. It shot flames at you, which Sonic noticed and got you out of harm's way. Knuckles and Amy arrived, Amy wielding her hammer, and Knuckles holding a large stick. "You're fired, pal." Knuckles said, laughing at his joke. "Get it?" The robot's flamethrower burned Knuckles stick, causing it to turn to ashes. "Huh. I guess not." he said. "I got your joke, Knux." you said, giving a little chuckle. "Thanks, (Y/N)." Knuckles said.

"Shouldn't firemen put out fires?" Amy asked. You looked at her. "Amy, if you think about it, firemen SHOULDN'T put out fires if they're evil. That's the irony of it." you said. "Exactly." Eggman chimed in. "That's the irony. It's the evil opposite of a fireman. You're pretty smart, (Y/N)." You and Sonic turned to him. "I mean, I assume." he quickly said, going back to his magazine. "Yeah, right." you said sarcastically. 'Eggman needs to stop pretending this is not all his fault.' "I still appreciate the compliment."

"Sonic! The evil anti-fire bot is putting a baby walrus into a burning house!" Sticks yelled, pointing at the anti-fire bot. Sonic made short work of the situation charging towards the anti-fire bot, catching the baby and returning it to the mother. "Sonic! Evil anti-fire bot is putting a kitten in a tree!" Tails said. You facepalmed. 'Is anti-fire bot really going to do the opposite of EVERY fireman stereotype?' "Go, evil fireman!" Eggman rooted. Everyone looked at him. "Busted." you said.

"OK, I admit it. It's mine. Evil robots are what I do. Why stop if you're good at it?" he confessed. "Took you long enough to just say it, Egghead." you said, arms crossed. Meanwhile, anti-fire bot shot its flamethrower at innocent bystanders. They did their best to avoid the flames. "This has gone on long enough." Sonic declared. Sonic used his super speed to spin around anti-fire bot, tying it up with its own flamethrower, the pressure causing it to explode.

"I, um...left the oven on." Eggman awkwardly said, running away. The scraps fell and Sonic cockily chuckled. "Looks like that robot is fired." he said. Tails, Sticks, and Amy laughed at Sonic's joke. "C'mon guys! Knuckles came up with that joke first." you said, annoyed. "Thank you, (Y/N). At least you were the only one that laughed when I said it." Knuckles answered.

The kitten Eggman's robot put in the tree was still there. "Sticks, could you get that kitten out of the tree?" Sonic asked politely. "No need, Sonic. I'll do it." you insisted. "Sure thing, Sonic." Sticks beat you to it, already running to the tree. What she did next enraged you. She violently shook the tree, scaring the kitten. "Um...Sticks? Sticks? Sticks!" Sonic tried to get Sticks' attention. "STICKS! STOP!!!" you yelled. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!?" The kitten fell, and you caught it in your arms. "Don't worry, little kitty. You're safe now." you said, trying to comfort it, and it purred. "What?" was all that Sticks said.

A couple of hours passed, and the 6 of you were at Amy's house having a discussion with Sticks. "Sticks, we want to talk about the way you treat animals." Sonic started. "It's not a good idea to shake kittens out of trees." Amy said. Sticks tried to defend herself. "They know the law of the jungle. Trees are no-kitten zones!" she said. "That's a real law?" Knuckles asked. You and Tails facepalmed. "Sticks. (1. The kitten did not willingly get in the tree; it was placed there by Eggman's robot. And (2. Even if that 'law of the jungle' is real or not..." you pause your complaint to whisper so only Sonic could hear you, "...I highly doubt it is..." before finishing normally. "...that doesn't mean shake a kitten out of a tree. All you have to do is pick it up and put it down."

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