Circus of Plunders

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So this was not how you expected your day to go out. Well, it wasn't unusual; Eggman was attacking you and the others again. But he now had a new toy, an octopus robot that he was piloting as he attacked you. Sticks, Knuckles and Amy charged at Eggman, while the the echidna and hedgehog were arguing. "Knuckles, flank left." Amy said. "I don't take orders from you, you flank left." Knuckles fired back. "Why do we have to have this discussion every single time?" a frustrated Amy asked.

The mountain exploded and Eggman emerged in his robot. "Behold the awesome power of Octopus Bot!!" he declared. Like a speeding bullet, Sonic bolted to Octopus Bot, and shook one of it's metallic tentacles. "Nice to meet ya." he said, before spinning around entangling the tentacles. Amy charged forward with her hammer, dodging multiple attacks by Octopus Bot before delivering a blow which ripped off another one of the tentacles. Eggman's focus turned to Sticks who threw his own attacks at her, which she dodged and ended up causing a tentacle to bust a hole in the cockpit.

Sonic continued pestering the mad doctor as he spun around at supersonic speeds around the robot. "Y'know. This would be easier if you'd all stop moving around." Eggman said. Obviously, that would be like asking you to stop breathing, and you know for a fact that's not gonna happen. Sonic just replied to Eggman, "Sorry, can't hear you. Too busy running circles around your Squid Bot." Eggman was not amused, especially since Sonic didn't remember the bot's name. "It's not a squid; it's an octopus. Can't you tell by the size of the tentacles in relation to the head?" Eggman asked. "To be honest, I don't think anyone's gonna pay attention to that, Eggy." you yelled at the doctor from afar.

Meanwhile, Tails was coming in with the Tornado, as he prepared his own attack. "Sonic. (Y/N). my laser-guided Unbolterizer is ready to go. I've got a clean shot on Spider-Bot." he said. "It's an octopus! AN OCTOPUS!!!" An extremely annoyed Eggman yelled. You buzzed in with your communicator. "Tails, did you test it yet?" you asked him. "Don't worry, (Y/N). It'll work." Tails said in a way that wasn't reassuring. It wasn't that you didn't trust him, it's just that you were concerned that he might have messed up this time.

You ducked as you saw Tails' laser fire, bouncing all over the canyon before hitting a bunch of large rocks. "That's not good." you hear Tails over the communicator as you see the boulders tumbling over. Sticks screams in panic as she tries to dodge the boulders and jumps on one of the larger ones, running as fast as she could to avoid falling over. "Whoa! I should've taken that log-rolling class." she said. Knuckles was smashing the rocks with his fists, whereas you continued to dodge them, since there wasn't much you could do in that situation. "Keep 'em coming. I can do this all day." Knuckles said proudly, before getting run over by a rock. Just like a cartoon, Knuckles was in a Knuckles-shaped hole in the ground. "I could use a breather." he said. You found his arrogance to be quite amusing.

Meanwhile, the Tornado rushed in towards Octopus Bot, only to be swatted out of the sky by one of the robot's tentacles. Eggman chuckles maliciously. "How the tide has turned. That's a nautical reference, cause it's a squid...I-I mean octopus. Grr! Great! Now you've got me doing it." he said. You simply facepalmed. "Y'know, if you wanted people to know what it was, give it a more memorable name, like Octo-Bot. That sounds so much cooler." you chimed in for once. While this happened, Sonic jumped onto the back of Octopus Bot, and opened a panel, ripping some cables out. This caused Octopus Bot to collapse and spew out ink. "Gross." a disgusted Amy said. Eggman detached his Eggmobile from the rest of the robot, and flew away saying, "Next time, study your cephalopods before we do battle."

Although you didn't think about it too much until the battle was over, you kind of felt bad for Tails. You knew he would never intentionally mess up, but you felt he was about to be blamed for his mistake. And of course, you were right. "Guys, I don't know what happened." Tails said defensively. A clearly furious Amy stepped forward. "I'll tell you what happened. Your laser almost turned us into robo-fish food." she said. "Yeah. And not the delicious, flaky kind." Knuckles added, which was a weird thing to just say in your opinion. "I'm sorry. It malfunctioned." the yellow fox insisted. Your heart broke seeing Tails' sad face. Being Sonic's girlfriend made you think of Tails as your little bro also, so seeing him sad was painful for you. 

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