Double Doomsday

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Life was great. Now that you and Sonic were officially a couple, you were excited to see what excitements awaited in store for the two of you. It's kind of funny; Sonic always likes to be the "cool guy" of the group, a trait which you loved. But he also had a more secret soft side. Whenever it's just the two of you, the blue hedgehog can't help but go out of his way to make you comfortable. From letting you have first pick for a movie night, to carrying you in his arms everywhere he goes. You didn't mind it that much, you loved that he was being such a gentleman to you, and you felt the lengths he went to made him kind of cute. But you didn't want him to do it so much, that it made you feel helpless. You want to be able to do things, and you worry he'd view you as a damsel in distress if done too frequently. But maybe you were just thinking too deeply. After all, even though you prefer the "cool girl" personality that you view yourself as, you couldn't help but feel that you were also growing a little "cute" side.

But anyways, you were just going about your day reading (favorite book), when you started to feel a little peckish. The growl that erupted from your stomach seemed to confirm that feeling, and Sonic was quick to notice. He immediately picked you up, and dashed into town to get some fast food for the both of you. As previously mentioned, you found it silly that you being hungry seemed like an emergency to your boyfriend, who immediately rushes you to his favorite restaraunt in town (most likely the ONLY restaraunt in town). 'No wonder people always come here.' you would think to yourself every time you come here and see lots of people there, even if the food served was just average.

"Man, I am starving. Next stop: Munchy Town. Population: us." Sonic said, which made you giggle slightly. Of course, your lunchtime had to be disrupted. And surprise, surprise, that disruption was Doctor Eggman. The red-suited man rushed up to the two of you and yelled, "Hey, no cutsies! I was here first." Of course, you and Sonic were doubtful about that statement. "No way, Egghead. We've been waiting." Sonic said. You just nodded, not wanting to start an unnecessary confrontation.

Despite the absurdity of the doctor's claim, the kid at the cash register for some reason defended him. "Um, I believe the barrel-chested gentleman with the luxurious moustache was first." he said. 'He sounds and looks like the stereotypical teenage employee you'd find at a restaraunt.' you thought to yourself. "What? Are you serious?" Sonic asked with the tone of complaint in his voice. You tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Sonic, let's not make a scene." you said out loud. You then leaned closer towards him, so you could then whisper into his ear, "Besides, you can pay Eggman back the next time we get to kick his butt." The blue hedgehog was annoyed, but smirked and chuckled at your whisper. He sighed. "Alright, but only because you told me to, (N/N)." Sonic said with a smile. "That's how we do it! Score one for Eggman." the doctor said. And of course, he had to gloat with a dance. You couldn't help but feel awkward at this. "Just gotta flash the 'stache." Eggman added.

The two of you sat at one of the tables, and waited. Sonic had a bored expression, and you couldn't disagree. The blue hedgehog turned towards his nemesis, who already got his meal, and even as he was indulging in his meal, he continued to gloat loud enough so the two of you could hear. "Mm, that's good. How's yours over there? Oh, right, yours isn't ready yet. Should've been faster, Sonic." Eggman said, with a mocking chuckle. He then turned to you briefly, and said, "I mean no ills towards you, (Y/N). You are very lovely." You nodded at his flattery, but your face was just blank.

Suddenly, the cashier kid showed up with your meals. "OK, here we are, two double Meh Burgers with extra pickles." he said, before slamming the tray on the table, knocking one of the burger buns over. Sonic did not request that, so understandably, he sighed in annoyance. "I said NO pickles." Sonic said. Meanwhile, Eggman continued to gloat. "Oh, this is just the best day ever." The kid left to talk to Eggman, so you went on to talk to Sonic. "It's okay, Sonic. If you don't want them, you could give me the pickles." you offered. But he declined. "No need, you can have the whole burger." he said, pushing it over to your side. You continued. "Besides, you know I can just cook something good for you." Sonic smiled upon hearing that. "I know, (Y/N). I like being here, but I know you'll always be the best cook ever." he said. His flattery made you blush a light pink. Of course, Sonic would do that. He just loves getting reactions like that out of you.

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