My Fair Sticksy

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It's been quite some time since your previous adventure with Sonic and the gang, and quite a lot has developed. You were spending more time with each person, and you were getting to know them very well. One of your closest friends was Amy. Yes, she could sometimes be a handful, and the two of you don't see eye-to-eye on everything, but you find compromises with each other, and you have both greatly bonded over your common interests; you always appreciate it when she invites you to do arts and crafts with her every week.

Despite your close friendship with Amy, the person you've grown closest to was, of course, Sonic. How could you not? He was the very first friend you had ever made; your first proper hangout with him, a time where the two of you could just chill and have some fun together was rather recent; and not to mention, he was just that: a really fun guy to be around. Sure you enjoy helping out Tails with his work when he needs it, and Knuckles can be pretty funny to hang around with, but you always seem to be spending most of your time with the blue hedgehog.

Ever since your first hangout with him, though, he seems to be behaving a little bit...strangely. He doesn't yell at you or anything; he's still extremely nice to you. But the thing is, whenever your near him or look at him or something like that, you'd always see a light pink hue on his face, which you assumed was him blushing. Why he was blushing seemed to confuse you; you simply couldn't put your finger on it.

Unbeknownst to you however, Sonic was secretly growing feelings for you. But despite his incredibly self-confident, even cocky personality, he was too shy to talk about his feelings for you. But of course, destiny was pushing him to do so. Quite a while back, when your sleeping bag got ruined, Sonic offered to let you sleep with him on the hammock, which you accepted. No big deal, except for the fact that Tails saw Sonic holding you in his arms while you both slept, and he photographed it as blackmail to Sonic. The blue hedgehog confessed his love for you when Tails revealed the picture to him, and said he would confess to you when the time was right. And that time was drawing near.

Moving on to the present day, today started off as any normal day would. A beautiful sunrise, a tasty breakfast, and of course, getting to hang out with your group of friends. But of course, something unexpected just occurred out of nowhere. Suddenly, when the 6 of you were hanging out in the town, a meteor shower just popped up. Understandably, the citizens were thrown into a panic, and started running for their lives while you and the others looked at the situation. 

Mostly everyone's expressions were that of concern or concentration, but oddly enough, Amy's was of fascination. "Meteors are shooting stars," she said. "We shouldn't be running. We should be making wishes." You giggled at her faces. For the mature type, she was rather adorable. "I wish for a pony." she said, hoping it would come true. "And I wish you'd take cover." Sonic said, quickly grabbing the pink hedgehog's arm and in the blink of an eye taking her from the staircase you were on to underneath a nearby structure to protect her from the meteors. You couldn't help but let out your laughter from that one moment, as everyone else followed them. Amy had an annoyed expression on her face. "How come your wish came true?" she asked. Sonic didn't answer with words but a silly and cute smirk. 'Wait. Cute?' you thought. 'Did I just think his smile was cute?'

You snapped out of your thoughts for a minute because this was not the time for that. "Sorry, Amy. But making wishes to 'shooting stars' in the middle of a populated town is not the best idea." you said, trying to straighten her thinking out, albeit in a polite way. She simply nodded.

Of course, the meteors were still a problem, and immediately after that brief dialogue with Amy, an unusual solution emerged. "Should I use my meteor defense system?" Sticks suggested. You just looked at Sticks. 'Huh.' was all you could think. You highly doubt anyone could believe that Sticks would be capable to do such a thing. And that seems to be confirmed by Tails' obliviousness. "You have a meteor defense system?" he asked. "I have defense systems for all sorts of junk." she replied.

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