Chapter Five

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Part One
That Guy: To Be Avoided

You sat there wanting to message Andel about your meeting with the unmasked Kylo Ren, and yet you could not. You puffed up your cheeks, glowered at the messaging center, and slumped your shoulders. The unfortunate truth was that Andel had informed you she would be working several shifts that would not permit any time for her to check her messages. And, if she did, she would have to prioritize them. Work came first, as always, in the First Order. You pursed your lips forward while your cheeks were still puffed up then slowly released your breath in a thin trail.

It would be best to forgo speaking of the incident. Maybe then you could forget the way you had felt so embarrassed. How the maker had you been standing there flirting with Kylo Ren without realizing it? Checking him out! The man had hardly appeared put off by this.

You nudged aside your device, rolled onto your side, and did what you could to remain quiet. Your roommates were in the process of readying for bed. Thankfully, they had not seen your interactions with the Commander. The man had almost seemed baffled that you had failed to recognize him. Not that he hadn't played along with your ignorance, toyed with you. Had...had he been flirting too?

He was probably just bored, you told yourself. Don't read too much into it. It's, what did he say? Nothing personal. You seized hold of the bed sheets, tugged them over your head, and attempted to lose consciousness as quickly as possible; all the while, you silently hoped that you would not have any awkward dreams regarded the Command Shuttle or its owner.


You were not having a good day, if anyone asked. Thankfully no one did. Squeakers was at your side, and that was hardly a consolation for the fact that the man who had referred to you as 'Titty-five' was back. You skulked around the ship, avoiding him as much as you could. The good news? General Hux appeared to be avoiding the man as well. Not that you could blame him, what with the guy referring to him as Brendol Hux. You had winced, shook your head, and more than half-hoped that the twitch in your general's eye meant that he would punch the man in the face. Alas, Armitage Hux was well in control of himself. Realizing his mistake, the man had blubbered out apologies, sweat running down his brow.

So, here you were hanging out with your general in the room that housed the anti-gravity machine. The two of you shared a look that spoke of your shared distaste. Squeakers was working as a footrest for your superior. The droid seemed rather pleased to act in such a capacity, chirping pleasantly here and there while the redhead scrolled through his datapad.

"Sir, will he leave soon, sir?" you asked, tightening a few screws in the room that had become loose.

"We can only hope, technician," he responded, his scowl deepening as he tapped on the screen. He then paused and lifted his gaze to your face. "Did he attempt to flirt with you again?"

"Yes, sir," you mumbled, your expression twisting into one of pure loathing at the memory. He had not been subtle in the least about staring at your chest. Thankfully, you had fastened your buttons correctly and thus he could not peer inside your shirt. You paused, blinked, and looked at the man. He was still watching you. "I thought he was being awkward asking for your first name that time. That' could someone... That makes no sense, sir."

"Idiots are allowed in certain social circles, Tatey-five." You shifted from foot to foot, remembering all your recent mistakes. His lips twitched then he smirked at you. "You aren't that sort of clumsy, technician. You are not an idiot."

"Thank you, sir. That means a lot." General Hux slid his booted feet off of Squeakers, who moved over to you. The little droid conversed with you regarding various diagnostics of the different mechanical components in the room. After another ten minutes went by, you once more addressed your superior officer. "General?"

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