Chapter Nineteen

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Time: That's What It Takes

You had not realized just how badly Kylo Ren had been wanting this, had prepared for it, until it was time to leave. There was no walking down the corridors with cum on your chest or face. No looking disheveled. With a quick gesture to the far right corner of the room, your superior informed you there were items in the bag that you could use to straighten up. A small hand mirror, wipes and comb. You did not fail to notice the box of condoms. It caused your heart to skip a beat. It was...thoughtful. Very thoughtful, in fact, and you could not help but wonder if Kylo Ren had more a softer side than he generally let on. It would explain some of Supreme Leader Snoke's chastisements.

After cleaning up—throughout this, Kylo Ren remained quiet and also ensured he was appropriately clothed and ready to leave the room—you shyly returned the unused items into the bag, which the man lifted. The two of you exited the room together, however from there you parted ways. You felt a little dizzy as you walked. Your mind was processing all that had occurred. It had been wonderful, and you were grateful that you had waited to pursue any sort of relationship with him until this point. He was not the only one who had grown since last you were together. There were ways that you had become stronger, more confident.

On top of that, all that had occurred in the past had led to you being assigned to the TIE Silencer. You were thrilled to work on it at the start of your next shift. Not that the lead technicians for the ship would give you anything quite so hands-on just yet. From interacting with them, you had gathered that you would be tested. You liked that efficiency, those standards. It was not out of jealousy nor suspicion of you wanting their jobs that would keep them ensuring you were in check. It was because they were damn good at their jobs.

Andel stirred when you climbed onto the bunk bed. You could hear her whisper your name, and you grinned. "It was...good," you whispered, careful to not allow your voice to carry so that none of your other bunkmates were disturbed. You could hear the soft sigh that was her tired breath of relief.

When you awoke, you readied yourself for your shift and ensured that Squeakers was prepared to assist you. Andel did not press you for details, though she requested that you keep her up to date. You appreciated this, the way she cared and looked out for you. With a wide grin, you promised her that you would. The pair of you entered the cafeteria together for a small breakfast then you went your separate ways.

The Supremacy was a march larger vessel than the Finalizer. This you experienced anew as you stepped again into the docking bay. Your eyes roamed along all the various TIEs and transport shuttles. Most were identical to several others. Kylo Ren's TIE Silencer, on the other hand, stood out. You swelled with pride as you headed towards it. It was a gorgeous ship. You could not help but imagine the Commander turning his teasing into truth. Maker, you would love having sex in that ship.

Eyebrows rising, you shook your head. It was no time to be thinking those things.

One of the First Order mechanics was busily repairing a minor scuff. You idly wondered if a Resistance fighter had managed to break through the ship's shields, or if someone working in the docking bay had knocked into it with something metal. You noted a lack of scorch marks, which left the latter as the more likely candidate. You turned away from the mechanic to focus instead on the datapad that the lead technician, who referred to himself as Mage Yor—originally you had believed this to be him calling himself major, only to learn that Yor was a the name of a mage character he had on an rpg—handed to you. You were acting only as a second pair of eyes to catch anything that might be overlooked by the other technicians who were present. It was boring work in a way; you doubted that they would allow things to slip through. That wasn't to say no one ever made a mistake. It was smart to have others check over one's work.

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