Chapter Six

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Inappropriate Thoughts: Not Tolerated

The lights within the Command Shuttle were the only things keeping you from being shrouded in complete darkness. In some ways, you would have preferred the shadows to this. That expressionless mask staring at you in an accusing manner. You wanted to apologize; you knew he had, somehow, become aware of your dream. Really, you blamed it on your hormones. If only you had not started your period...but alas, you had, and with it came such erotic fantasies when you fell asleep. This was the first time they had featured any of your superiors. And your mind just had to select Commander Ren. Which was, in a way, fitting; considering your knees had practically buckled in delight at the feel of his ship.

"You broadcast so loudly," that modulated voice rumbled. You lowered your gaze to the ground. "I could hear you across the Finalizer. You shouldn't think of such things, Tatey-five." One of your hands slid into the other; you fidgeted with your ring finger, pinching the tip of it and then rubbing.

"I...I didn't mean... Yes, sir." You felt as though you were going to die from mortification. Him knowing exactly what you had dreamed about was bad enough. And yet here it was all worsened with him saying those words. Your attention darted to the closed exit then back to the floor directly in front of his feet. He could kill you with a single thought, you reminded yourself. On a whim. You had never seemed to irritate him before, however he was currently making a point to lock you inside the Limo with him. Alone. Memories of your dream nudged at your conscious mind, and you quickly swatted them away.

That visor had not abandoned you. Kylo Ren continued to observe you, and you cowered in your seat. You wondered, albeit briefly, what expression his face held. His head straightened. Noticing that he was no longer looking at you at an angle, you shakily rose to your feet. The weight of the Force had been lifted. You hesitantly walked over to the ramp, hitting the button to lower it. You could feel Kylo Ren's gaze on you as the ramp began to descend. TA-0973 and Squeakers were standing near the far wall. Out of hearing range, yet within sight; you noticed them only when you exited the Command Shuttle.

Relief flooded Tom's face when you headed in his direction. You managed a weak smile, whispered a quick farewell as you passed him, and urged your droid in the direction of your living quarters. The other technician followed along after you. "You really don't... You shouldn't... Uhm, Tom, I—"

"The 'troopers will be out of dinner by now. They may harass you. I'll walk you to your quarters." You could not deny that you welcomed his assistance at this point. Squeakers chirped, the droid carrying on a one-sided conversation with both you and your companion. Said man observed you in the corner of his eye. "You alright? You seem...spooked."

You nodded, not fully registering what he had said. You were alive—that constituted as being alright, didn't it? You paused when the two of you arrived at your door. You leaned against the metal, staring at the floor before at last looking at TA-0973. You forced a reassuring smile to come to your face. He quirked a single brow, not looking in the least convinced. He shook his head, cocked his head to the side, and made a vague gesture in the air. Squeakers was patiently waiting in front of the door, clearly wanting to be let in.

"Do you need me to call someone? I don't know if you should be left alone."

"I'm...fine. He just... I got a verbal warning for...uhm...poor behavior," you said. At the same time, you were suddenly hesitant. You looked over your shoulder at the door and then back at the other technician. "But, er... If you... If you wouldn't mind...uhm... If you could sit with me for a few minutes. I'm... I could definitely use some company." He rubbed his jaw, looking a little conflicted. "You...probably have work, don't you?"

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