Chapter Twenty

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Plots: They're Thickening

Whereas you were comfortable being in such close proximity to Kylo Ren, the majority of personnel aboard the Supremacy , as well as most of those in the First Order in general, tensed when he walked by. The pair of you had exited the cockpit of the Tie Silencer, and you were only three steps behind the man. He had not yet informed you where the pair of you were headed. Time before the attack, your mind repeated. It could mean any number of things really. The moment Kylo Ren had asked if you forgave him, you had known it would be more intimate. Not work-related. He had taunted you numerous times in the past for being sentimental. For caring what he said, taking it too personally. You were beginning to believe now that he had been so adamant in this to remind himself to reject emotions.

They did not train anyone in the ways of the Force in the First Order. Basics were mentioned by those curious enough to read up on history. You knew that anger and passion could fuel Ren's power. Compassion and passion, though, were apparently two very different animals.

There would be no whispered sweet nothings, you told yourself, preparing for the emotional distance to return without a moment's notice. Kylo Ren had changed since you had left the Finalizer , but people did not change that much. Not so quickly. They could always revert back to their old ways. Kylo Ren did nothing to ease the fear of those the two of you passed. He was content with their discomfort. It had always been that way between the two of you, you reminded yourself. Him making those around you uncomfortable, prodding at your insecurities. Yet being kind in his own way. Those small gestures that you still thought about, that you would always think about.

Another part of you feared that he would leave you the moment something he viewed as being better came along. He had never made it any secret that he valued power. The Force. There were other Force sensitive beings in the galaxy, and you were not one of them. "Are you trying to talk yourself out of this?" His voice cut through your thoughts, and you released a hmm? whilst lifting your eyes to the back of his head. Kylo Ren did not repeat the inquiry. The words took a second longer for you to process as your mind replayed them. You sort of were trying to talk yourself out of going somewhere with him, you realized. You feared becoming more attached if things progressed. Which was funny given that you had been so ready to have sex with him when he had summoned you from bed. "I won't use the Force if you would prefer it that way."

You shuddered, recalling how Snoke had used the Force on you. A part of you wondered what it would be like if Kylo Ren did use the Force. The things he could do...

Kylo Ren reached behind himself, his grip firm on your upper arm as he tugged you forward then shoved you ahead of him, hurrying you forward. You felt your cheeks heating up. You had forgotten how he could pick up on thoughts from you at times. Both of you did want this, and badly at that. For all you knew, you could die in the upcoming battle. It seemed unlikely that he would, however he was mortal as well. You remembered how he had looked when he had been brought in from Starkiller Base. All of those injuries.

When the two of you arrived at his private quarters, you were allowed to step inside first. The room was dark initially. You blinked when Kylo Ren flicked on the lights, and allowed your gaze to wander about his quarters. They were plain. Much, much nicer than the bunks you were stationed in. You fiddled with the end of your shirtsleeve. The door to the Force user's quarters had slid closed, and now the pair of you were alone. You could hear him removing his helmet. The metal hit the floor with a thunk .

Some would have argued that it would be a good idea to wait to have sex. The Resistance would soon be destroyed if all went according to plans. Your first time with Kylo Ren would have been that much more of a celebration.

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