Chapter Twenty-Four

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Part One

Shame: A Cross That's Shared

Drejuhl was an agreeable companion, and you soon learned that the Knights—or at least this particular one—acted differently when not near Kylo Ren. He became more relaxed. His hand was constantly ready to seize a weapon should the situation call for it. Conversation-wise, Drejuhl eagerly grasped for topics to speak of. Ren was often quiet, which made the Knight's behavior quite endearing. You felt as though this man understood your position more than others. Respecting Kylo Ren while also being frustrated with the role of subordinate in public forums.

"Captain Phasma and General Hux both commented on how you interacted with Master Ren," Drejuhl said with a sort of lilt. "I think he was glad to be wearing his mask." You bit down on the insides of your cheeks to keep from smiling too widely. "He tried to push you away. The cafeteria..."

Maker, it was amazing having someone who knew Ren intimately enough to offer this new perspective. Officer Vonil's revelation that Kylo Ren had moaned your name during sex was one thing. Drejuhl commenting on Kylo's random sighs when technicians were brought up? Saying that Ren had consulted Drejuhl about the not-a-date wherein he had brought your food order onto the Limo? It painted Kylo Ren as so human , awkward and unsure. Almost sentimental, but in the best of ways.

The lighthearted conversation was also allowing you to settle into a less anxious mood. When it came to discussing things with General Hux, that required speaking face to face. Each time you thought of it, sweat threatened to break out on your flesh. You felt on the verge of being overwhelmed by your emotions and the reality that things were drastically changing in this war. Drejuhl was a breath of fresh air. You never would have guessed he would be. Then again, you never would have guessed Kylo Ren would hand you a roll of toilet paper, or that he would become attracted to you.

The reminder that Kylo was human served as a reminder that General Hux was as well. Flawed. Able to gain your respect yet still hurt you. Capable of earning your forgiveness if you let him; at the same time, that did not mean you had to be a doormat. You had put your foot down with Kylo. Aside from business, you would do the same with Hux.

Drejuhl's presence and the hand sanitizer in your pocket played the part of security blankets. You were, more and more, prepared to speak with General Hux. Just stick to the topic, you told yourself. Keep things focused. Your gaze flickered to Drejuhl. The Knight of Ren had fallen rather quiet. His behavior now reminded you of how he had been in the cafeteria—the first time, that is. When Kylo had been something of a jerkface to you. That served as warning enough that someone of importance was close by.

Conflicting emotions warred in your mind and on your face. General Hux's ice blue eyes darted about your countenance. Kriff, you thought. You wished you could disappear into thin air. Memories had indeed surfaced. Not the negative ones; nothing about him talking behind your back, allowing your direct superiors to mock you despite the fact that you were a stellar technician, in many senses of the word. The first memory was: big .

You bit down on the insides of your cheek.

The second memory was the foot rub. Your horrible pun. Laughing, being content. All of this before that crashing sense of betrayal. This was your chance to choose which portion of your history with General Armitage Hux stuck with you the most. Everything had shaped you into who you were; it was now your decision to be bitter, or push it aside. Besides, if there was ever an absolute need to revisit the hurts, you could do that once there was time to waste.

General Hux considered the Knight of Ren that was standing beside you. His nose twitched, his mouth almost forming a sneer of contempt. He certainly was not in the best of moods. Few people were given what the past hour had brought. Skywalker's return was detrimental. Something that possibly could have been avoided. Your superior officer had not forgiven Kylo Ren for that, and that was not bringing up Starkiller's destruction. You braced yourself to endure secondhand agitation. Mentally prepared yourself to bear the brunt of the general's foul mood.

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