Chapter Ten

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The Line: Between Love and Hate

Had you been aware that having sex with General Hux also meant that you could, at the end of the day, curl your feet up on his lap when the two of you were in the privacy of his quarters—that he would begin rubbing them without realizing it as he sorted through information on his datapad—well, you have fucked him sooner. Your body was curled around his, your stomach aligned with his hip, and your eyes closed as you enjoyed the foot rub. After the stress of dealing with a grumpy temporarily vision impaired Knight of Ren, you were all the more pleased to be pampered in this manner.

Then again, you thought while grinning like an idiot, the Knight was so much easier to deal with than the Master of the Knights of Ren. Commander Ren difficult.

General Hux murmured something under his breath. You did not care to figure out what he had said; likely it had to do with his work. Instead you reached for your own datapad, which you had brought so as to read some information on the transport shuttles you could possibly be handling in the near future. Hundreds to thousands of technicians worked daily on the Finalizer; only so many, however, were assigned to each individual ship within. A transport shuttle was more common, quite like a TIE, and yet not nearly as complicated as other shuttles you had hoped to handle. Still, it was a foot in the door, so to speak.

Your superior had informed you, when you had entered his quarters after receiving an invite, that TA-0973 had been discreet in that he had not revealed your actions with Kylo Ren to anyone else. Nor did he plan to; not that you had ever believed otherwise, however it had still been rather pleasant to hear. A small part of you was displeased with the fact that you would have to inform him that you were not longer available for any sort of romantic or sexual relationship, at least for the time being. It was not that General Hux believed he had any claim over you; you understood his desire for things to be exclusive for the time being as a means to prevent any STDs or other such unpleasantness. That, the two of you had discussed as well, shortly before he had started to rub your feet.

Ultimately, he was your superior, the general of the First Order. He also admitted to feeling a certain level of liking when it came to you personally. Thus, he concluded, the term 'friend' would be sufficient and accurate; though, he urged that this not be spread. You had then stated that you had no urges to do so, at which point he had nodded. When it came to the physical aspect of things, the two of you could indulge with one another so long as it never interfered with work. This you agreed with immediately. The arrangement was nice, not having to worry about wooing anyone, nor any emotional baggage. You were having a difficult enough time with Commander Ren, and it was not as though the two of you were in any sort of relationship—at least, you did not think so.

You blinked twice at that thought. General Hux gave your feet another few rubs and then lifted his hand away from your limbs. Knitting your brow, you allowed your mind to wander over your various interactions with the Master of the Knights of Ren. He had seemed almost intrigued by you during that incident in the refresher; in no way had he been obligated to hand you the toilet paper. He had had every opportunity to leave, to make it to where you had to endure worse embarrassments. And then he always seemed to discourage your attraction to him, but that incident in the hallway—he had instigated it.

You drew your feet off of the general's lap, rolled onto your other side, and stared at the wall of the man's quarters. Everything within was neat, orderly. Not that you had expected anything less. When you returned to your own quarters later, your roommates would be present. Hopefully, too, would your droid. You planned on checking over Squeakers to ensure that no repairs or tune-ups were needed.

Before you left his quarters, you found yourself graced with a number of hickeys on your chest, all of which could be covered by your uniform. You sighed in contentment as you entered your own quarters, your one roommate who was still awake quirking a brow and giving you a once-over. You would have to change in a refresher to ensure she did not see the markings, you thought to yourself. You then turned to your droid, who was indeed waiting for you at your bedside. Your mood only improved all the more; the unpleasantness of the evening in regards to the Knight had at last faded entirely.

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