Chapter Nine

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Safety: You've Got the Wrong Type

You had been rummaging through your drawers when you had stumbled upon it. Your eyes had widened by the smallest amount, your eyebrows had drawn upwards, and a hum had escaped you. You had then reached into the drawer, pulled out the object, and released a squeak of delight. Jumping to your feet, you pattered out of the room in what could almost have been labeled a half-skip. You were humming cheerfully to yourself, though you kept your voice low so as to not be overheard. You clutched the object to your chest, ducking around corners and searching. Your eyes darted here and there. Narrowing every so often until at last you spotted it—him, you corrected yourself. It would be unfair and inhumane to label the general of the First Order an it.

It was a little known fact to those who did not work close by him that the general, who slept only as much as necessary to keep his body going, took catnaps in random locations aboard the Finalizer. Often he lost consciousness whilst sitting with his datapad in his lap, scrolling through information and relaying what needed to be done. Seeing as how said object was in his lap while his head was lolled backwards, a light snore issuing from him, it was a safe bet to assume that this was what had once more occurred. You lifted yourself up onto your tip-toes, closing the distance between yourself and the slumbering man as sweat started to gather on the back of your neck.

He wrinkled his nose in his sleep, however did not stir other than that as you set the sealed box beside him. You ensured that it would not be pushed to the ground, which would cause the contents to shatter. In that case, your gesture of good will would be transformed into the bane of your existence.

You pursed your lips, exhaling quietly, and turned on your heel. You collided with a familiarly solid individual, whose helmet was pointed in the direction of your face. Or what could be seen of it. "A hat, technician?" Mocking, as you had come to expect. Yes, technically you were still suspended, and thus there was no reason for you to be decked out in your more formal technician attire complete with a hat. You simply felt like wearing it was all. Thus you bit back a scowl, having no desire to anger him, and resisted the urge to place your finger to your lips in a quieting motion. Your eyes darted to the slumbering general. "Your level of boredom is astounding."

So is that a compliment, or...?

Kylo Ren stepped around you, his arm brushing against yours. You looked over your shoulder, watching the man as he spoke the general's title and name, which caused the redhead to jerk awake. General Hux squinted at Kylo Ren. His gaze must have caught on the box to his side, however, for he turned to it rather than offer his attention to the other for long. He lifted the box, and you started to scuttle away. General Hux barked out your nickname. Wincing, you halted, bunched up your shoulders, and twisted around. The box was balanced on the palm of your superior's hand.

"S-sir, I—"

"I assume this is a replacement for the one that broke?" You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak without stuttering again. General Hux twisted his wrist, his eyes traveling along the front of the box, the hole giving him a generous view of the mug. "It will do. Though you are on suspension, do not neglect your duties with the machine."

"Understood, sir." Throughout this exchange, Kylo Ren did not look your way again. His hands were curled into fists at his sides, his visor directed on the redhead's face. You left the two of them alone, walking in the direction of the anti-gravity machine. The truth of the matter was that you had forgotten that it was due for a routine checkup. Grateful that he had seen fit to remind you at all, you set about completing your sole duty for the day.

You entered the cafeteria for lunch in a rather pleasant mood. You had been informed that Squeakers would be returned to you shortly before sleep cycle. On top of that, Tom and you had passed one another in a hallway, and he had asked if you were opposed to speaking with him later. He seemed happy enough, nothing awkward between the two of you. Not to mention the fact that Kylo Ren had not made another appearance. No awkwardness or tension. Perhaps a quick romp was all either of you two had needed from one another. Andel was probably right when it came down to it.

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