Chapter Seventeen

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Part One

Mistakes: Don't Make Any

The moment Squeakers zoomed down the ramp of the transport shuttle that had brought your droid to you, you released a squeal of joy—it was not only the tiny droid that had come, but another familiar face as well. Andel Poish was holding open a book with one hand, her eyes scanning over lines of text as she walked down the ramp behind the droid. She managed a muttered out Hey, Tatey that would have left you thinking she was not happy to see you as well if not for the fact that she extended her free arm and wrapped you up in a hug. You wound both arms around the other technician, soon dropping one hand in order to pat the droid that nudged your leg.

There was no need to question why Andel had her nose buried in a book that detailed dreadnoughts. Now that the First Order had managed to track down the Resistance base—and now that the New Republic was a thing of the past—the more powerful starships were being put to use. This also explained why you would not be remaining on-planet as you had believed. Supreme Leader Snoke, along with his Praetorian Guards and apprentice, would be leaving for the Supremacy. You were still in awe over the fact that you were to work on the vessel. It was something considered a high honor amongst technicians.

It was, unfortunately, also a death sentence for any who invoke the ire of the Supreme Leader.

As for his apprentice—Kylo Ren continued to train, and the man had taken to wearing his helmet again. Possibly to hide his wounded face. It was a nasty injury that the Supreme Leader was not yet allowing to be properly sealed. A lesson, you thought. More and more did you understand Kylo Ren's cruelty. The Commander had also shed his robes in favor of a less bulky outfit. The cape, in your opinion, was a bit much. You constantly waited for it to get stuck in some door and cause the man to trip up. That had yet to occur, however, from what you had seen.

Andel and you walked along with Squeakers towards where supplies were being gathered. It was your task, as well as hers, to ensure that everything was working properly prior to the Supreme Leader's journey to his ship. Your fellow technician placed the book she had been reading into her bag. She began to tinker with several blasters to recalibrate them. You followed suit, pausing to look over your shoulder as numerous canisters of extra fuel were brought forth. Those would be for the TIEs aboard the Supremacy, you reasoned.

It would be days longer before all personnel boarded the Supremacy. For that duration you found yourself all the more grateful that you had been given Squeakers again. The transport shuttles that would be taking everyone to the flagship required security updates. This was largely why more technicians had arrived on the base. It would not due to have the Resistance place a tracker on the Supremacy, nor any of the shuttles that would be utilized.

You were relieved to have limited contact with the Commander and the Supreme Leader. You saw them in passing—you could feel Kylo Ren's eyes on you at times—but had not spoken to either since you had repaired the training droids for the younger male. Andel was also someone you did not see too often. When the two of you did cross paths, however, you spoke openly and you found yourself more joyful than you had been in quite a while. It sometimes made the war feel surreal.

Its reality impacted you, though, when you were on the same shuttle that was transporting Kylo Ren to the Supremacy. Supreme Leader Snoke and two of his Praetorian Guards were present as well.

You wanted to die.

The hum of the Command Shuttle's engine had your toes curling, and you pressed your thighs together. You were too nervous to truly be aroused—stars, your stomach was churning and you worried that you would vomit in front of your superiors. Supreme Leader Snoke appeared bored. His apprentice... Kylo Ren's masked face was pointed in your direction. He well knew what his ship did to you, and you loathed him for it. Squeakers was on a different shuttle with Andel; you had not wanted to chance your beloved droid getting on Snoke's nerves and being destroyed.

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