Chapter Thirty

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Mortality: Staring Into Its Face

Following closely behind the Supreme Leader of the First Order—it was strange how natural it felt to think of Kylo as such—you fought off the worries that again threatened to consume you. There was little need for a guard while in the presence of the Force user. You hated to think that any of the Knights would be spared to fulfill the task of keeping you safe from internal threats. The alarms had died away, yet still there were occasional announcements in regards to the allies of the Resistance. Those brave and stupid fighters who did not know when to retreat. General Hux would not allow his desire to rule interfere with his duty to command the army as it fulfilled Kylo's orders in eliminating the stragglers. As for Captain Phasma, she had rejoined the Master of the Knights of Ren to personally discuss the present status of the stormtroopers.

Your eyes roamed along the reflective surfaces of her chrome armor. Distorted versions of yourself stared back. Phamsa limped. She had clearly suffered either a leg or back injury. It was nothing she couldn't handle. Kylo Ren turned his head to consider the female member of the—former?—triumvirate.

As though she could read his thoughts, Captain Phasma paused in her report to instead state: "I am not looking to lead; I aim to survive."

"I am aware of your actions in the past, where you have rejected titles." His lips began to curl in amusement. "It would not be for the mantle of Supreme Leader that you would betray me." The helmet turned though no words slipped from its mouthpiece. This was the sort of exchange many technicians bore witness to; the underestimated small pieces that could change the course of events by repeating secrets the arrogant never saw any danger in them hearing. You knew that Kylo had purposely ensured you were there to hear Phasma's responses. You had to be wary of her, namely if ever she felt backed into a corner. Wrapping up a battle, namely the portion of the former leader of the First Order being killed, was going to have a lot of fallout. It would be wise of you to not get in Phasma's way despite your new promotion to one of the leads in defense.

As if she could sense your thoughts, the chrome armored woman half turned to consider you. "Tatey-five." Her voice was cold, dismissive. That was normal for her. It was how she had always said your nickname. Nothing personal. Just business. You quickly nodded to indicate that you had heard her. At the same time, you felt every bit dirty, covered in sweat from when you had hugged Kylo Ren. When next the woman spoke, though it was about you, her words were not directed to you. "Where does she fall into this?"

The new Supreme Leader of the First Order responded with the truth. There was no outward reaction by Phasma at the news. At least, not one that you could see because of the armor. What truly meant something was that she raised no objections at all. You felt your lips twitching, a smile threatening to form; you did not let it, wanting to keep up a more professional air. The lights in the hallways had grown brighter. In this portion of the starship, there were more stormtroopers and officers. More eyes on you and the pair you followed.

Despite the increase of personnel around you, the presence of both Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma dissuaded some of the attacks that might otherwise be directed against you. You were therefore allowed to focus on what you could be walking into when it came to Squeakers. Your stomach did a flip; memories of your fallen allies flooded your conscious mind. Losing Squeakers would be devastating. The idea that Andel might be dead? You spent so much time shoving off such possibilities that they hit you hard each and every time those worries returned.

The question was on the tip of your tongue. Yet that would give Captain Phasma more ammunition against you should she turn foe. If she remained alive, Andel would not be put into that position. Not by you. Not when you could prevent it. That being said...

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