Chapter Eleven

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Part One
Management: You're Under It

In some ways, morning did not come fast enough; it was finally the start of the day cycle, and you had your orders to go directly to the bridge. Normally you would have been obedient, especially given current circumstances. It was also those recent occurrences, however, that kept you there in your quarters longer than you should have been. Your roommates had left to start their day, and you had tugged your blanket over your head, opened the messaging center, and started to watch the video that had been sent to you. You pressed your thighs together, swallowing hard and watching the man masturbate.

No one had ever sent you such a video. Especially no one of power like Kylo Ren. Your heart raced in yoru chest, and your mind sorted through a variety of emotions, pride among them. You did this to him. A split-second later, your grin faltered and you blinked.

Officer Vonil had spoken of how entitled the man was, implying that it was not always easy to please him. This man had moaned your name when having sex with another. You did this to him...

"How?" you asked, shaking your head and exiting out of the video. Obsession did strange things, even to those with power, you thought. You sild your datapad back underneath your pillow, climbed out from under the covers, and quickly dressed. General Hux would likely be upset that you were late at all—although perhaps he would worry that you had been accosted by Ren on the way. Unless, of course, Kylo Ren was also on the bridge. "Stars..."

Squeakers chirped at you, the droid pleasant and ready for the day. You glanced its way. If only you could possess such enthusiasm. As it was, your stomach was starting to churn with all the stress and worry you were experiencing. You wondered if you should delete the video that had been sent your way, or if you should show it to the general. Deleting it, naturally, would erase evidence of his Kylo Ren's intentions—whatever those were.

You started to slip on your helmet then paused. Lifting your eyes to the object that was inches away from the top of your head, you huffed out a sigh. You tugged the helmet on your head. Worst case: you now had protection if you were thrown against a wall. Also worst case: Kylo Ren was going to follow you around like a lust-sick Knight of Ren. You were flattered, in a way, however you despised the way he thought he could treat you. It would be one thing if you were like any other technician or officer to him. But no, he apparently wanted to pursue...well, something. The thing was, you were already in a friends-with-benefits relationship with General Hux. You did not need an abuse-me-fuck-me-as-you-please roller coaster with the Force user. No matter how big his cock was. And no matter how it had felt as though someone had punched you in the gut when you had heard of him and Vonil.

Before leaving your quarters, you looked to Squeakers. You held up a hand, indicating that the droid should remain behind, and Squeakers released a noise of disappointment. You winced. "Sorry...but it's probably safer." As though it understood at least some of the deeper meaning behind what you were saying, the little droid perked up and chirped at you, stating that it would see if anything within your room needed repairs for when you returned. You nodded, offered Squeakers a smile, and at last exited your quarters.

Though you were no stranger to the bridge, it was not as though your line of work took you to that location very often. You thought back to that fateful day you had been given the unfortunate nickname of 'Titty-five'; and to think your superiors sometimes used that! How embarrassing, you thought with a frown.

You were delayed by a stormtrooper, who thought it would be quit hilarious to yank a few tools out of your bag and play keep away. A number of the officers who saw this display looked on with vague amusement or else ignored the ordeal entirely. This was the norm, you reminded yourself as you tried to swallow down your sense of annoyance. At long last, however, you rolled your eyes and decided to leave behind the tool. The stormtrooper had visibly frozen, the man calling after you with a tangible amount of confusion lacing his voice. He hurried after you, shoving the tools into your hands and trying to reassure you that it had all been in good fun.

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