Chapter Eight

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Part One
Size Kink: You've Got It

Following your fourth shower of the day, you wrapped a towel around yourself and stared at your torn bra. Your cheeks flushed with heat at the memory of what you had done not long before. You were still trying to figure out where it had all come from. Sure, there had been tension between the two of you, and yet... You swallowed thickly, clumsily pulling on your panties and pants before shrugging into your shirt. You tossed away the bra, patted your hair so that it dried a bit more, and slunk towards the exit so that you could return to your quarters.

I can't believe I said those things... or did those things... Kriff, girl, you're an idiot.

You had sobered somewhat, and now you could not help but think of the consequences of your actions. Technically he was not a part of the First Order, and thus it wasn't exactly fraternizing with a superior in that respect. All the same, you doubted that you would not be punished in some form. After all, you had a marking on your record when you had accidentally groped him. The things you did this time were far from accidental.

Rolling your eyes and growling in frustration, you entered your quarters and immediately put on fresh clothing. Afterwards, you picked up your datapad with the intention of contacting Tom only to discover that he had preempted you.

TA-0973: Hey, Tatey. I'm sure by now you've heard about the demotion. It's not your fault, so don't worry about it, alright? We'll talk later.

All the same, you could not help but groan. You started to type a reply in the messaging center, careful with what you said due to the fact that you knew everything was monitored.

TE-8500: I still feel as though I should have discouraged you more. I appreciate what you did. But, really, I should not have put you in a position where your job was compromised.

You seized your bottom lip between your teeth. Kylo Ren was responsible for both Tom's demotion and your suspension. And here you had jumped at the chance of having a sexual encounter with him. And for what reason? Because of the size of his dick? Wrinkling your nose, you nearly set aside the datapad when a chime alerted you to an incoming message.

TA-0973: There were extenuating circumstances. There is also the fact that I was aware of what was written in your file then put you in a position where you could be compromised as well. I explained that nothing happened between the two of us, otherwise you would have been placed on suspension as well. Although, I hear you are suspended all the same?

TE-8500: For a number of reasons. I was given a number of warnings. I seem to have pushed my luck too far. Perhaps I was a bit too, uh, comfortable near the Commander?

TA-0973: Comfortable? You seemed terrified, if you ask me. You could ask for a temporary transfer while he's aboard the Finalizer. A few other technicians and officers have done so in the past. Usually you are placed in a different department that way the likelihood of interacting with him is low.

TE-8500: I don't think it's that simple. TE-9830 and I discussed that option before. Are you off-duty where we can talk? I need some advice.

TA-0973: Yeah. Sure.

You put aside your datapad and ran your hands down the length of your face. You were quite uncertain how you were going to broach the subject, and yet you needed to discuss it with someone. TE-1346 would normally have been your confidant, however he had been temporarily transferred to Starkiller Base. Andel would have been another choice, especially given the nature of your past conversations—yet TA-0973 was closer! Standing, you started to pace the room whilst sorting through various trains of thought. It was not as though you needed to be explicit. No need to be outright crude. And what of the fact that Kylo Ren had made that comment—that TA-0973 was attempting to seduce you?

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